วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease life expectancy

congenital heart disease life expectancy
studies on the relationship between sleep apnea and heart failure. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea suffer damage to the right side of her heart, as it difficult to pump to the additional burden of the lungs trying to overcome the respiratory tract. A test was conducted on patients forty-two with heart disease. Nearly half of these patients had severe sleep apnea who were not diagnosed before the study.

Sleep apnea is a serious health risk syndrome, the millions of people. Up to 95% of these people are unaware that they have it and may never know. There is effective treatment for apnea, but many people find it difficult to identify qualified medical care. Sleep is the frequent closure of the people who breathe the tissue in the throat relaxes during sleep causing. Snoring occurs by vibrations of the relaxed throat tissues and is usually the precursor to apnea. Heavy snorers and people who break into their breathing could be based on risk for heart disease. Sleep apnea and heart failure may also be behind many traffic deaths in people over forty. The most serious cases of untreated sleep apnea patients have an increased chance of a fatal traffic accident.

A Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, which helps people with sleep apnea, can also help people with coronary heart disease, that the experiences of their blood oxygen reduction during disordered breathing during sleep. Heart failure affects approximately 2.5 million Americans. A study was conducted with a number of obese patients who have both sleep apnea and heart failure were treated with a CPAP device. This treatment resulted in patients developing an increase in energy, less fatigue and low blood pressure. These patients also have a positive outlook on the treatment results.

The National Center for Sleep Disorders Research is to ascertain whether there is a connection between sleep apnea and heart failure, high blood pressure and chest pain. Some researchers have suggested that apnea may cause heart problems.

It is possible that central apnea can cause high blood pressure, increase of adrenaline and irregular heart beats. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain is not a signal to breathe. It is not caused by obstruction or snoring.

Sleep apnea sufferers have a higher risk of death than the rest of the population. Problems include sleep apnea and heart failure, hypertension, stroke, depression, and as mentioned before death by accidents. The sleep apnea sufferer, the family has a difficult time dealing with the disease. Other issues that are outside the home are affected, such as difficulties at work, through ongoing sleep disturbance.

In summary, people with sleep apnea and heart failure should be the treatment of their sleep can only help their chances to survive heart disease. Sleep apnea is long overdue for more attention, it is the second leading cause of tiredness during the day after insomnia. Poor sleep is a major health problem needs to be sooner rather than later.

They suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea symptoms and treatments for patients with sleep apnea.
by T. D. Houser

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