วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

symptoms of rheumatic heart disease

heart disease is the number one cause of the disease caused the death today in the United States. The latest statistics show that of the 2.4 million people who die each year in the U.S., 36 percent of them died of some form of heart or heart disease. For many people heart disease creeps up and suddenly it leads to an unforeseen heart attack. Easy to recognize the symptoms of heart disease remains a major medical emergency and seeking help can contribute to the risk of a life event.

What are the symptoms of heart disease should be on the lookout for and what should you do if you begin to experience? The short answer to the second part of question is that you tell your doctor immediately. The sooner any form of this fatal condition is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of living a long and healthy life.

Here are all the symptoms should be aware. And remember that each of itself should be a potential problem, but if it is a combination of these symptoms the greater the risk.

1. Angina pectoris - This refers to pain in the chest, one of the major warning signs of a heart attack. Any chest pain needs to be verified by a doctor as soon as possible. The problem with angina is that many people with heart disease may not experience until they are actually a heart attack and then it may be too late.

2. Numbness and tingling - If you experience these symptoms especially in the face or arms, and it is localized to a particular page it could be a warning sign of blocked or damaged arteries. If slurred voice, headache, loss of coordination and balance, or even experienced, you should immediate medical attention.

3. Shortness of breath - Problems with the respiratory system can be a symptom of any number of problems, one of which is heart disease. If it is a constant problem, then they must see a doctor.

4. Dizziness or fainting - with dizziness or fainting spells, if you usually have not experienced it in the past are also signs of a possible cardiovascular disease. This applies even if you begin to experience these symptoms after sports or other physical activities. This kind of symptoms in heart valve disease and manifest as positional vertigo, the symptoms, the constant from a lying or sitting position. These include dizziness, loss of short-term eye and ringing in the ears.

5. Fatigue and weakness - it is normal to feel somewhat tired at the end of a long day at work. If this worsens in intensity over time it could be a sign of a type of heart problem.

Cardiovascular disease is a very serious, that if not diagnosed and treated in an aggressive manner can be quickly fatal consequences. Fully understanding and recognizing the symptoms of heart disease is the first step to a medical supplies to help this silent killer in its tracks.

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