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symptoms of heart disease in children

your heart, not your brain is the center of many body processes especially that it pumps the river of life, the blood. If they are not taken into account, please contact or heart disease, a threat to your life.

What is heart disease?

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, is a generic term used to include other diseases that are the strongest muscles in the body, the heart. Above all, it affects older people and is hereditary in nature. Cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of deaths in the world. Many of the variants of the disease are as â € œsilent killersâ € 쳌 because they have no visible symptoms especially those who are affected with high blood pressure.

S heart disease are closely linked to high blood pressure, cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. The disease occurs when the heart and blood vessels are not working properly or are defective, because other factors such as too much cholesterol, fatigue and poor diet.

Other problems associated with heart disease

Many of the problems associated with heart disease have to do with the arteries. Arteries are not the same thing with veins. They are muscular blood vessels cause blood from the heart. Arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is one of the complications of cardiovascular diseases. The arteries are not too thick and more flexible that the blood does not flow smoothly.

Another problem is atherosclerosis. This error occurs when plaque deposits, through the development of cholesterol and far into the arteries. In return, the arteries narrow and blood can not flow through. When the heart is not pumping enough blood, a person suffers from angina and was able to feel pain in the chest.

Two of the fatal complication, myocardial infarction and stroke. These two happens when the heart malfunctions. It is a heart attack when a blood clot in the part of the heart. On the other hand, stroke happens when the brain is unable to enough blood through the coagulation of blood or blood vessel bursting.

Acquisition of heart disease

Unlike diseases caused by viruses or bacteria, heart disease is not contagious. Rather, there are risk factors that increase the chances of a person for the acquisition of cardiovascular diseases. One of these factors is age. When people get older, the functioning of the heart is not as healthy as they are used, while we are young. The heart also deteriorates mainly by unhealthy lifestyles. As mentioned above, heart disease is also hereditary. If you have family members who have the same problems, most likely you can also acquire the same.

Some risk factors for heart disease are controllable. Among these factors are smoking, high blood pressure, overweight and not exercising. These factors all, if not monitored can contribute to heart disease.

Signs of heart disease

S heart disease actually do not give any visible symptoms or signs of people there. Most of the time the disease is detected when the patient is already feeling or pain in the chest in a heart attack of stroke.

To determine whether a person has a heart disease, one or a few of the following procedure is initiated. Electrocardiogram records the electrical activity of the heart. Through this test, the heart beat faster when it is normal or not. Echocardiogram, on the other hand, uses sound waves back to the parts of the heart. These waves produce an image of the heart, which is displayed in the monitor. With the stress test, some cables are connected to the body and the ECG machine. The heart and the muscles how to react, while the patient is monitored exercise. Catheterization, the narrowed artery with a long, thin tube that is in the body. The pipe is a special dye. Last is the carotid artery scan, which uses sound waves to blockages in the carotid artery.

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