วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

signs symptoms of heart disease

While you may be aware, the most common signs of heart attack, there are some differences between men and women. Furthermore, there are less obvious but just as import symptoms you must be aware.

The most common symptom of a heart attack in men and women is persistent chest pain or pressure that does not go away when you sit or rest. If it is experienced, immediate emergency help is needed. Even if it is not a heart attack, this could be a symptom of heart disease or other serious problems.

Other symptoms of a heart attack include pain, radiating through the shoulders, back, arms or jaw. Less intense pain in the chest with shortness of breath, dizziness or nausea should also be taken seriously. These could be signs of a heart attack or something else, but better is to find out immediately.

Women may have other symptoms not normally associated with a heart attack until recently. Women are more likely to "mild" warning signs such as shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, fatigue, and cold sweats. Women can also experience a similar number of days or weeks before an actual attack. If you click on any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to monitor for heart disease.

Adults of all ages can be heart disease, although many people still consider it something that only older people have to deal with. Certain risk factors in heart disease, including smoking, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. Some of these risk factors can be reduced by proper care and exercise. To help to eliminate tobacco use, add a program to your daily exercise routine, and change eating habits to lower cholesterol. If you have diabetes, follow your doctor's recommendations on the proper care of yourself and your blood sugar levels at regular intervals.

Lifestyle changes can be difficult, but many resources exist to enable these changes. Your doctor will be a lot of information on all major risk factors. You can also request additional information from organizations like the American Medical Association.

If you are in a situation where on the signs of heart attack or symptoms of heart disease, be sure to accurately describe all your symptoms. Some people try to appear "tough" and minimize their symptoms. Others feel the effort or exaggeration on the symptoms, especially if they seem mild. However, if your housekeeper is not an accurate picture of your symptoms, they can not in a position to diagnose your condition effectively.

This is particularly true for the early warning signs and symptoms. It is much better for heart disease, as early as possible to take place you need an emergency quadruple bypass. Of course, genetics play a role, but that's more of a reason to closely monitor the health and possible warning signs.

In general, the healthier a lifestyle you can maintain, the better you are, both for coronary and general health. Make sure that a complete medical evaluation by your doctor, especially if heart disease runs in your family. Eat a varied diet with fruits, vegetables, fish and healthy oils. Maintain a regular exercise program and try your weight in a healthy range (your doctor can help you with this too). In addition, try to make your stress to a healthy level. If you care about your health, you can significantly reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases.

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