วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ischemic heart disease treatment

There is no clear heart attack early warning signals, they are all slightly off as another cause. Often it is only when you are back after a heart attack, realize that the characters, but that you ignored.

The normal cause of a heart attack is when a clot blocking a narrowed artery and stop blood supply to the heart. So, until a clot has formed and will be submitted, only the symptoms, reducing the blood supply caused by the narrowing of the arteries. So that the first signs of a heart attack are the same as the signs of heart disease.

The challenge, of a heart disease is that it progresses slowly and so you get used to the symptoms and even if they are in your life you are at it, do not think that the symptoms of heart disease or a possible future heart attack.

The three most important early noticeable physical symptoms are:

Shortness of breath



However, they may not all occur, they might not occur consistently, and they more than likely will be mild in its early phase.

If one day you get breathless climbing stairs, you will probably not only tired, too heavy on the age, or some other insignificant role. You can also promise that you start doing some exercise to get fit! But what usually happens is that you are only off. After a few weeks you will not even think of shortness of breath than normal. You will only be accepted as the way you are.

This is the same for all the fatigue or discomfort. Even if the symptoms are present, dismiss it as something unimportant, and only with them.

The only real indicator of heart disease, your blood pressure.

The problem is that the symptoms of high blood pressure are the same as the symptoms of heart so that the only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to use a blood pressure monitor. This must be done not by a health care professional, in fact, a number of recent reports have shown that their own blood pressure at home at regular intervals is a more accurate indicator of your health as if it once or twice a year (if that) from a professional. If you do not own a monitor, you should invest in as soon as possible. If you yourself, but do not use it, then start today!


It's Your Heart!

It's Your Life!

You have the choice!

To learn more about the symptoms of heart and the methods I used to heart disease, because I have a heart attack in 1999, visit http://heart-attack-and-heart-disease.com

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