วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

echocardiography in congenital heart disease

echocardiography in congenital heart disease
Obesity is a condition that affects people throughout the world. Why is it called a condition? Well, it leads to many other health conditions, disability or death. In other words, the health problems associated with obesity are numerous and nothing to sneeze at. take into account: who is overweight by 40% is two times more likely to die than someone with an average weight.

Doctors will tell you that one person more who have health problems if they are obese, as someone who is an average weight. Even someone who is 20% overweight can lose a little poundage. The experts say that anyone overweight by 20% of their healthy body weight should lose some weight. If they do not, then there are some risk factors to consider:

• Heart disease and stroke. Both can be fatal and lead to heart attack or a stroke may be that a person in a vegetative state.

• High blood pressure, which can lead to stroke and other health problems.

• diabetes, which leads to other health problems. Some people have the legs, feet and other extremities due to diabetes.

• Various forms of cancer can occur. It is not a known form of cancer that is specific to overweight people, since an obese individual is more susceptible to any form of cancer.

• gallbladder disease, gallstones and kidney stones. These are painful conditions that can cause other problems.

• Gout, which is a painful condition that nobody really wants.

• Osteoarthritis can a person, the movement even more than it already is restricted obese. It is also very painful and disability.

• The respiratory issues such as sleep apnea. A person with sleep apnea stops breathing for short periods in their sleep. Some were to stop breathing completely.

• Blood clots are those who are obese. This form of blood clots in the legs. You can also refer to other parts of the body such as the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.

• It is also said that obesity increases the risk of someone developing Alzheimer's disease is a condition that no one wants to always have to struggle.

There are other factors that can make an obese individual more susceptible to these conditions. However, vulnerability does not mean that the disease is treated. With an apple body are vulnerable to these health risks. You can not help much if there were a family, or when these diseases, there are already existing medical conditions. However, losing weight may increase the risk. A person should not say things like, "Well, my family has a history of it anyway. "" Her family have a history, but the weight gain could be a trigger that causes the occurrence of this condition. That is the reason why it is important to lose weight naturally or through weight loss surgery.

The doctors say that as little as the loss of 10 to 20 pound packs considerable health benefits. Cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The risk of heart disease and stroke can also be reduced. Heart disease and stroke is the number one killer of people who are overweight. Only a small amount of weight loss can be further away from a statistic. It's all a matter of no surprise that the person who believes they are the exception to the rule obesity. Finally, anyone who is obese for a long time is one of the health risks.

Understand, if you are a healthy weight with a BMI calculator. Find out what your body can mean for your health with a waist-to-hip ratio calculator.

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