วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

diagnosis of congenital heart disease

diagnosis of congenital heart disease
There are many reasons for which people can be affected by heart diseases. With the knowledge of these reasons can the pension before attaining such status. Reasons for heart disease may be very common, but the effects are the same very bad for your health.

Age can be an important factor for you to suffer heart disease. If statistics are anything to go, then it should be noted that more than 83% of people who suffer from heart disease or complaints in relation to heart is either 65 years or older. When the male sex also causes heart problems, since it vulnerable to heart attack from an early age. After menopause, the chances of women with heart attacks increases, but this is not the same with men.

Inheritance plays a very important determining your chances with a heart problem. Children whose parents suffer from heart disease is more likely to be affected by this disease if proper care is not taken. The various races around the world, among them African American suffers due to high blood pressure than Caucasians at increased risk for heart disease. As obesity causes heart disease, they suffer great Americans is causing the problem.

Smoking is not good for your health because it causes problems, which can lead to a cardiac arrest. Passive smoking is also unhealthy as you inhale the fumes from the cigarette, the cause of the problem. Cholesterol is also a major culprit in causing heart disease when he was with the age, sex, heredity, and your diet.

Blood pressure and lack of physical activity also causes problems. High blood pressure leads to more than loading the work of the heart leading to thickening of the heart and the chance for a stroke, heart attack and heart failure is expected. Stress, diabetes, alcohol are all in the heart causes problems for you.

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