cyanotic congenital heart disease
heartburn is not a disease. It is not even a disease. Heartburn is a symptom of other problems.
Many people think if you heartburn, you have IBS and have a little purple for the rest of your life. That is not true. Have you ever seen this advertisement? They tell you the pill you will feel better, but you will probably have other problems that get worse as time goes on.
There is no "probably" about it! If you only have the "pill" to make you feel better, but still not on the actual cause of the problem, you are only asking for more problems. The damage which led to the problem in the first place is not yet complete. You have to get at the root of the problem to the well for heartburn.
What is the real problem? You have obstructed bowel. An overgrowth of yeast, parasites and other gunk caked on the walls of the intestines. All this "extra" things in your colon causing your intestines to your stomach. There is no place for the food to go. She comes back into the abdomen and back into your esophagus and mixed with stomach acid, it burns your esophagus.
This causes real damage! This pill is not designed to address the problem. Her body has not yet been damaged from this about the growth, you do not feel it no more.
OK, before we further can avoid these parasites. You might think I'm crazy that such a thing. There is no way you have parasites, right? Now you are wrong. Almost every person who eat meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables or drinks un-distilled water has a kind of parasite. Probably much more than you really want to know about.
Sorry to bring you this bad news. Do not be afraid, they will not kill you. These tiny invaders are not to kill, they can live. They want you to stay alive so that they somewhere to live. And believe me, they are very happy where they are.
The problem is, they are the valuable space and nutrients that the body needs to function properly. You will have to do an annual cleaning to get rid of them and keep them out. This is no joke. As big as it sounds, it's a real problem.
Now let's talk about the yeast. Most people think yeast is something that women. That is not true. Yeast is a plant that in your intestines in small quantities. If you ever in your life antibiotics or if you eat meat, it's likely you have an overgrowth of yeast. Birth control pills and estrogen treatment also contribute to yeast overgrowth.
If your bowel is not enough positive bacteria, intestinal flora, the yeast will grow out of control. This will cause many problems, one of which is heartburn. Irritable bowel syndrome is also a symptom of yeast overgrowth. That's right, a symptom not a disease. IBS and heartburn are the same. They are characterized by the same problems. There is a cure for these problems and a purple pill is not the answer.
Gunk (in the absence of a better word):
My gut was not to digest refined foods. White sugar, white flour, ready-made convenience foods, etc. Their intestines were to digest real life. Orders that are in the ground and on trees. All of these additional, refined food that you stuck in your body on the walls of the intestines, and finally creates a tar-like gunk that can not be digested. This Tarry gunk keeps the body from the intake of food from the food you eat. More and more gunk builds up no more space, and it comes back. This is heartburn.
I know this is all very serious things to think about. Nobody wants to believe that they have flaws, plants and tar in their bodies. It is very uncomfortable that this is possible. The truth is, it is not only possible, it is very likely. I can almost guarantee you that this is the case with your body. If you have IBS or heartburn, you have all the above situations in your body right now. If you do not have IBS or heartburn, you probably still all the above cases, in your body, it's just not the cause of a problem yet.
What do you do?
Now that I have totally gross to you, sorry about that, I'll tell you what you can do To fix this problem.
They, and every single person who eat meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables, drinks un-distilled water, has ever an antibiotic, birth control pills, eating bread or donuts or candy, etc., should be an annual colon cleansing. The only alternative to the annual cleaning is to avoid the above article after the first cleaning.
If you do not take seriously, you will end with much bigger problems than the heart burn. Already heard of cancer? What do you think that the causes? You guessed it, and colon cancer is just one of many health problems your dirty cause intestinal now. Systemic yeast is, in your blood and ultimately attack your internal organs. The parasites multiply and cause all the gas and bloating you all the time. I know that sounds sick, but it is true.
Clean your colon:
There are many ways to clean your intestines. Some people prefer the recipe with other people like to buy kits for cleaning. You decide what best for you.
Whatever you decide to use, you should drink half your body weight in ounces of water or other beverages a day. If you weigh 100 pounds, half of which is 50 pounds. You should drink 50 oz of water per day. Not like water? Add a little lemon or lime juice. Make herbal tea. Avoid caffeine. You are not your morning coffee in this count.
Take papaya before and after each meal. This will help with the digestion, while you are waiting for the cleaning to take over. You can use the papaya after week two.
The recipe:
This set of instructions for 30 days.
Every morning and every evening to drink the following on an empty stomach:
1 teaspoon of psyllium
a teaspoon of wheat germ
one tablespoon of liquid caprylic
5 drops of black walnut and wormwood
in 8 ounces of orange juice, apple juice or water.
The juice is the taste better than just water. Drink it fast, if you mix or Psyllium is to gelatinize. (Caution: Some people are sensitive to psyllium dust, with care).
Drink at least 8 ounces of water immediately after drinking the mixture. The more water you drink, the better this will work.
The psyllium will scrape the gunk from the gut wall, while the Caprylic acid kills the yeast and parasite eggs that have not yet hatched. The black walnut and wormwood kill live parasites. The wheat germ is essential nutrients and fats in your system.
Take one capsule acidophilus and bifidus 4-times per day. This will build intestinal flora to soothe your wounds well keep your intestines healthy.
What to expect during the cleaning:
If you use this recipe, you can expect some amazing events within a few days. The fiber will work immediately by loosening the hardened feces on the walls of the colon and gradually radical it from the body. If you are not beaten back to what our body, you will be surprised to see a lot of mucus and all the different colors of debris. It is hard to believe that all these things actually in you. What's even more shocking is that among the various colors and shapes you will notice various forms of parasites.
Weight loss is almost guaranteed with internal cleansing.
With a sluggish, toxic digestive, metabolism slows down, the energy decreases, and we are simply not strong enough to burn off stored fat through exercise or other means. An internal cleansing can help keep the balance in the body and increase the metabolism, reactivating the body's fat burning mechanism.
They also have much more energy than you have in a long time. Your system will not have to try so hard to fight toxins, which no longer exist in your body. They feel and look much younger. Acne disappears, and you will probably notice a lot of other little annoying health problems no longer interfere.
They are healthier than you have been in years. The common cold is not so common that more. Your body now has the energy to build a strong immune system, so you do not get sick every time you come in contact with another illness.
When you are finished with this recipe or any other program that echinacea daily for a week, then a week, and repeat the process. Then take a week once a month to stay healthy.
Now, go wash an apple and eat it. :)
วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552
cyanotic congenital heart disease
ป้ายกำกับ: cyanotic congenital heart disease
เขียนโดย Beauw ที่ 11:28
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