วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease support groups

congenital heart disease support groups
The best time, a bypass is before you experience any symptoms of heart disease.
Although it weighs only ten ounces, a healthy heart is able to pump 1000 liters of blood through life support 60,000 miles of blood vessels by beating an incredible 100,000 times per day for up to 100 years or more.

Understanding Your Heart

For an idea of the intensity of your heart work, we make an experiment. Take a tennis ball and fold your fingers over. Now push the ball every second for a whole minute - sixty times. It is a strenuous job, is not it?

This is the work the heart has to do for your whole life - 60 to 70 times per minute, 4,000 times every hour, 24 hours a day, all day - every day.

Perhaps you have your heart for the!

This highly efficient pump is the most beautiful organ in the body. It is also probably the most abused, but I'm sure nobody has it intentionally.

But the fact is, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and in more than 50% of cases there is no data available - the first symptom of the disease is death.

Cardiovascular disease and your heart

Many types of heart disease are well known. Some are served by an infection, but some are most congenital heart diseases caused by hardening of the arteries.

And if you oxidised cholesterol in blood, you get an even more serious are. Both hardening of the arteries and oxidized cholesterol in the blood cells of the body, so great for your cardiovascular health.

Various cardiovascular diseases may vary depending on the degree, but common signs and symptoms. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad LDL ratio, elevated triglycerides and homocysteine levels are the most common problems of indicators.

Common symptoms include angina (chest pain), shortness of breath, irregular heart beats, fast heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and sweating.

Here is Good News for Your Heart

Changes in your life - nutrition, exercise, stress management - may prevent and even reverse many of these problems to help you have a healthy heart.

To avoid heart disease and have a healthy heart, start by cleaning your lifestyle. Stop smoking, cut out caffeine and sugar, do you manage your consumption of alcohol, reduce stress, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water - it is good for the heart.

For the next, it's time for a whole food plan. Eating low glycemic carbohydrates, more grains, colorful fruits, vegetables and other fiber rich, nutritious food.

Also, it is a good idea to lower your fat intake to about 25% of daily calories. Avoid all processed fats. Stick with extra virgin olive oil and very small amounts of butter instead.

But even if you are the best, it is virtually impossible to be everything you need from the foods you eat. This is the whole food supplements can help.

Major additions for Heart Health

Start with a basic, natural foods whole number. These additional nutrients, such as the natural vitamins B, C and E (excellent for cardiovascular health).

Certain B-vitamins, for example, manage the homocyteine cycle. But make sure that B vitamins are in a balanced B-complex, the entire vitamin B-family (isolate a B-vitamin can prevent the efficient use of all others).

Omega-3 fish oil that's high in EPA and DHA is also evidence that many benefits for heart health and should be part of any daily nutritional program.

Moss Greene is the editor of Bella Online Nutrition and a highly respected and widely published health and fitness journalist. Its focus is on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and an optimal diet with natural supplements, such as fish oil capsules.

For detailed information about how high-quality omega-3-fatty acids EPA and DHA to help you and your family to have superior heart health, go to the fish oil web site.

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