วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease patients

congenital heart disease patients
There are many different forms of heart disease, which afflict us. Some of these are coronary heart disease, heart failure, heart failure, congenital heart defects, etc. Some of these diseases are genetically based and some are lifestyle choices.

Of course, if a patient hears that he or she has heart problem of messages is very traumatic. However, depending on the form of the disease and whether it is genetically created or lifestyle, it may be steps that can be taken in reverse heart disease conditions.

It is also important to note that some medical conditions can cause the heart to permanent damage. That is for cardiovascular disease, possibly precipitated a heart attack. When the heart blood taken for a long time may have lasting damage on the part of the heart. This type of heart disease can not be undone.

However, there are some methods of reversing heart disease can be achieved that through the medicine and some reversal may be due to changes in lifestyle. Some of these lifestyle changes include diet, exercise, lowering blood pressure and managing stress.


An important factor for the development of plaque and fat in the arterial system is characterized by a diet that is constantly high in fat and cholesterol. It is an important method of reversing heart disease is important to note that a diet is low in fat and cholesterol.

This shift of diet in your bad habits is to reduce the cholesterol and fat deposits in the arteries and help in reversing the disease. In consultation with your doctor corresponding menus and can be followed.


Sometimes it is another factor that contributes to the disease of the heart is the lack of movement. Even here, in consultation with your doctor, an exercise program can be recommended for the simulation of the cardiovascular system.

Another benefit of regular exercise is the reduction of cholesterol and the maintenance of patient weight. These two factors are crucial in reversing the condition.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is another major factor for heart disease. Through movement, managing your weight, control stress and hypertension, prescribed medication can be controlled. By controlling your blood pressure, less stress on the heart and other organs of the body.


Stress is a common experience is that most modern humans. It should be stressed that in a large toll on the human body. Stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which in turn causes the heart to work harder than it should.

Therefore, the question is not so much how to avoid stress, but how to deal with stress. Stress relief can be an important strategy to reverse heart disease. Routes to deal with stress or reduce stress in our lives can be an exercise program, the use of meditation, the practice of yoga or other meditative exercises and procedures. The constant practice of some or all of these methods can help, stress in the correct perspective.

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