วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease in babies

congenital heart disease in babies
Omega-3-fatty acids in fish oil, benefit the hearts of healthy people and those with high risk or cardiovascular disease.

More fish to eat to prevent heart disease. This is the advice usually we get from doctors or scientists because omega-3-fatty acids in fish oil, benefit the hearts of healthy people and those with high risk or cardiovascular disease. It seems that fish oil for health is a non-controversial issue among health experts, from traditional to alternative.

A very early study on fish oil, in the year 1989 to 2033 men with heart disease were divided into 3 groups each of these groups were told to eat extra fat, fiber, fish, or .. Two years later, researchers found that men who had eaten fish at least twice a week had a 29 percent lower mortality rate than other men. This finding that the fish oils helped to prevent irregular heart beats and heart attacks. Was no benefit to the people in the fiber or FAT-groups. According to doctors, at least half of all heart attacks are characterized by irregular heart beats.

Another study presented at the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids congress in Brighton in 2004 from Harvard University reported that doctors can predict patients who are likely to be a heart attack by checking their blood for fish oils. The people at the highest risk have low omega-3-fatty acids in fish oil. If the blood of the long chain omega-3-fatty acids, less than 4 percent of the fatty acids in red blood cells, risk of death from a heart attack at the most, compared with a level of 8 percent, when in its lowest risk.

A simple blood test which can, in fact, those people who are at high risk of death from heart attack and sudden cardiac death. A relatively simple preventative solution to increase omega-3-recording can then be used to prevent an attack. But that will only help if patients are willing to discuss about diet with their doctors.

No doubt, the research supports that eating oily fish such as salmon and tuna that are rich in omega-3-fats, may protect against cardiovascular disease. It is still important for us that we have a balanced diet with fish, vegetables and fruits, low in salt and saturated and trans fatty acids, causing a marked reduction in the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

Some experts have expressed concern about the possibility of contamination from mercury and other toxins in most fish because of pollution. Mercury and other toxic substances are unethical release into the environment from power plants, factories using chlorine and mining. These toxins end up in the oceans and lakes, where fish are consumed. Eating fish with high mercury represents middle-aged men at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and compensation for the protective effect of omega-3-fatty acids in fish, according to a Finnish study. As such, some doctors and experts recommend more high quality fish oil supplement that is free of mercury and other toxic substances rather than the consumption of fresh fish.

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