วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

congenital heart disease animation

congenital heart disease animation
heart disease heart attacks ... ... we listen to these tragic events all the time. The news often reports on the dangers to health and the heart of current medical developments are taken. Heart disease is the # 1 killer and clogged arteries are part of an evolution towards heart disease. As the arteries are clogged up?

It is interesting that the guilty perpetrators, we have heard in the formation of clogged arteries is only part of the truth. We have heard that high cholesterol causes clogged arteries. Actually, there is a great thing.

The first thing that happens is a lack of vitamin C or ascorbate in the body. This is a sub-clinical scurvy. This will cause cracks in the arteries to form. The body, in an attempt to heal the crack or patch, the cholesterol and uses it as a patch. Over time, this hardens into the so-called plaque. Now we are more familiar territory on clogged arteries. The setting up of plaque in the arteries narrows the passage of the arteries and increases the blood pressure. Then, when a small clot breaks away, it can be a completely blocked artery triggering a heart attack. Normally, the small clot would be harmless, but because of clogged arteries can be deadly.

What helps clean arteries? Ascorbate is one thing. Nattokinase is also useful. Serrapeptase is also good. There are products that have been created to prevent and reverse clogged arteries. Since cardiovascular disease is the # 1 killer, it is incumbent upon us all to find out how to prevent clogged arteries. The research is available. As a person should be made, they find the answer to the cause and reversal of clogged arteries. The only thing to do is to encourage research into action in their own lives.

Cheryl Jones has been investigated alternative and holistic health solutions for more than 30 years and has access to information in the rule of mass media publications. Links and resources are available to provide valuable information, and more specifically formulated products.http: / / shineonhealth.com

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