วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

acyanotic congenital heart disease

acyanotic congenital heart disease
Congenital heart defect affects children, even infants and fetuses who are still in development within the uterus. Today, as government statistics, 8 of 1000 children are affected with this disease. A disease with few known causes of congenital heart defects, disease is dangerous. The doctors were not exactly the exact causes for most people suffer from this disease.

Congenital heart defects has many forms. Grouped into different species, it is usually diagnosed and treated. The disease usually also one of the following: abnormal hole in the heart chambers, improper connections between the chambers, which leads deoxygenated blood in the body instead of in the lungs and oxygen-rich blood to flow to the lungs instead of the body, and much more.

According to research, there are some risk factors as possible causes. These include genetic or chromosomal disorders or defects, and environmental factors, including the mother, alcohol, cocaine, or "over-the-counter medications during pregnancy.

Although this disease might be present in infants from the beginning, it can show the symptoms worsened and diagnosis in childhood, or sometimes even late in adulthood.

The symptoms are very similar to the usual cardiac symptoms such as shortness of breath, to the full, fast breathing and difficulty in feeding, poor weight gain, chest pain, and cyanosis.

The diagnosis is confirmed by intravascular catheterization, chest x-ray, ECG, position emission tomography, and others. Further tests are Pulsoximetry the amount of oxygen in the blood of babies, and echocardiogram, an ultrasound of the baby's heart.

Treatment of congenital heart disease, depends on the intensity, extent and nature of the illness, along with other factors such as age. In a worse condition it usually requires surgery, but only a trained and professional children's cardiologist should examine and decide on the possibilities of surgery in infants and children. In a light state, drugs can.

Congenital Heart Defects is dangerous. Starting from a very mild condition, it can take the form of heart failure leading to an early death. The correct diagnosis, medication and treatment are required and must be made to any of suspects, which he has congenital heart defects.

Heart Disease provides detailed information on heart disease, heart disease, congenital heart defects, heart disease and much more. Cardiovascular disease is by preventing heart attacks.

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