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coronary heart disease risk calculator

coronary heart disease risk calculator
Although cholesterol serves many important roles in the leadership of our bodies in good health, he receives more attention if it harmful to our body. It is harmful if it is too much in the body. We produce about 80% of cholesterol, the needed by the body naturally in the liver. The rest is through dietary means. However, if too much cholesterol is consumed through dietary means then the cholesterol level is increased, and this can lead to health problems. thickening of the arteries is a common consequence of high cholesterol . This can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. So, what is a normal cholesterol level? This article will give you the facts and figures according to the American Heart Association and explain what they mean.

The guidelines issued by the American Heart Association are as follows:

Total cholesterol:

Less than 200 mg / dL is a desirable result (mg / dl stands for milligrams of cholesterol per deciliter of blood).

200 mg / dl to 239mg/dl is considered high risk frontier.

240 mg / dL is that it carries a high risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

Total includes both LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol because it tends, on the walls of the arteries leading to atherosclerosis and eventually heart disease.

The guideline for LDL cholestrol is:

Less than 100mg/dl is optimal

100mg/dl to 129 mg / dL is near optimal

130mg/dl to 159mg/dl is borderline high

160mg/dl to 189mg/dl is high

190mg/dl is very high

HDL cholesterol is considered good cholesterol because it helps transport cholesterol through back to the liver where it is excreted.

The Guideline for the HDL-cholesterol, the higher the better. The threshold is 40mg/dl for men and 50mg/dl for women. All the readings are lower than would a high risk for heart disease.

The key to reducing LDL cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol increase is to eat a healthy diet with fresh and low-fat meals. They should be regularly reviewed. Try to exercise 30 minutes per day. Quit smoking because it lowers the level of HDL cholesterol in the body.

Learn more about how to make a cholesterol test at http://www.lowcholesteroldieting.com. Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to the reduction of cholesterol, high cholesterol, including drugs

coronary heart disease risk equivalent

coronary heart disease risk equivalent
high cholesterol is a leading cause of thickening of the arteries. This is known as atherosclerosis and can lead to other cardiovascular diseases, including cardiovascular disease. If someone has high cholesterol they are advised about their diet and more movement. This article will explain what cholesterol has on the body, in particular LDL-cholesterol and why is it bad for the body.

Cholesterol is naturally in the liver. It offers a number of important functions within the body, but most attention when it is too much of it in our body and thus causes problems. Too much cholesterol is often a result of eating too many products with high cholesterol, especially animal products like meat and dairy products. Cholesterol is determined by the digestion of these types of foods.

Cholesterol, like other by-products of digested food, such as triglycerides, are transported throughout the body via the bloodstream. However, cholestrol in the blood is not soluble, so it is up to lipoproteins, which transport cholesterol.

Lipoproteins can be divided into 5 types in relation to the cholesterol transport. The one that we work with in this article as a low-density lipoprotein (LDL). It's task is to bind cholesterol and remove all parts of the body to do, it is of crucial importance of the work. This combination of LDL-cholesterol and is replaced by the name of LDL-cholesterol.

It is often called bad cholesterol because it tends to bind with the artery walls. This is the first phase of atherosclerosis or atherosclerotic lesions. As more LDL cholesterol from the arteries, it will be a more binding to the artery and can lead to other diseases or atheromas.

As more and more plague and is thicker, the flow of blood through the arteries and increases the pressure. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. The ultimate consequence of the plague build is that it seals or the clogged artery. Or that parts of the plague to rid of the artery walls, and a clot in other parts of the thickened artery. If any of these events occurs, the person may, by a stroke or heart attack.

By monitoring the total cholesterol in the body, you can ensure that you are never on that date. You must also strive to be disciplined in your diet and physical inactivity.

Find out how to eat low cholesterol foods and low cholesterol diet can contribute to bad cholesterol http://www.lowcholesteroldieting.com. Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to the reduction of cholesterol and monitor how cholesterol.

coronary heart disease risk assessment

coronary heart disease risk assessment
One of the most commonly recognized causes of premature death worldwide today is heart disease. Although this sounds very depressing, the reality is that the incidence of premature deaths from heart disease has declined in recent years. Although progress has been made in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, additional efforts must be made to prevent this disease as much as possible. cardiac diseases are often a toll on the sufferer and his family life. the treatment of heart diseases can also be very complicated and requires specialized personnel, equipment and medicines . The cost of such treatments are also very high. In summary, prevention is better than cure. Let us now turn to the other factors.

Who are in danger?

People who have a family history of heart disease are probably the most vulnerable. So it is important to note that, if heart disease is hereditary, in your family, it would probably be a wise step to this aspect with your doctor and a regular annual appointments with him to check for possible problems. Rest assured that if you do, your chances to avoid heart disease is so much better.

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of deaths

Although men are more prone to heart disease than women, it is the most widely recognized cause of death among women. Strangely enough, the observation that women live longer than men, is still true. Women therefore have to take certain measures to prevent the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases.

Recognition of the problem often occurs, Too Late

Doctors and specialists today, armed with improved technology, are able to diagnose and treat heart disease more extensive than ever before in the past. Unfortunately, by the time most people know that they suffer from heart disease, it would be escalated to an advanced stage that treatment is a challenge for physicians. Often the onset of the disease comes to light only when the person affected by a stroke or heart attack.

Of the many factors of cardiovascular diseases in people, smoking is crucial. Other factors such as elevated blood cholesterol levels and obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle and increase the incidence of heart disease. The person who does not deny that these risk factors have a better understanding and a chance to survive if he or she will be affected by some form of cardiovascular disease. Of course, there will be some changes in lifestyle required.

Great advances in medical technology have been introduced in many areas and also in terms of protocols for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease. The development of drugs specifically for the prevention of heart attacks has increased and are readily available. Surgical techniques have advanced tremendously since the days of Dr Chris Barnard and the first heart transplant. Both drug and surgical treatment protocols are designed for the elimination of cardiac problems and the restoration of proper heart function. The success of these developments by the sharp decline in deaths from heart disease.

Progress in dealing with heart disease

Many new preventive measures have been developed to address the problems associated with heart disease. In addition to advances in medical treatment for people with heart disease, for raising public awareness of these diseases has increased dramatically. People are raising in relation to the good performance of a healthy lifestyle, away from smoking and drugs and working conditions on a cardiovascular exercise routine that is specific to the exercise of the heart to make it stronger.

This statement in no way suggests that cardiovascular disease is not a serious threat, or that they be circumvented with minor Treatment programs. Not at all! Cardiovascular disease is a serious health condition of the danger that never underplayed. But it is interesting and important to recognize that they are no longer the death threat, that in years gone by.

Check-ups can prevent heart problems

Periodic examinations by the doctor will not prevent heart disease happens, but these investigations may have a significant impact on your Heath if they are able to nip a heart problem in its infancy, before it seriously. This makes sense in relation to each disease. Detection of the disease in its early development stages can motivate to the patient treatment as a matter of urgency. In the treatment will receive, the higher the chances for successful treatment of the disease before it turns out to be that life is threatened. Since this is so important to regularly - at least once a year - are checkups for those who are at risk for heart disease.

coronary heart disease risk

coronary heart disease risk
The National Institutes of Health funded the diet heart feasibility study to determine whether it was possible to reduce the cholesterol in the blood of Americans eat at home, by choosing the type and amount of fat in their diet. Over 1000 men aged 45 to 54 in five cities, all healthy volunteers, became one of the three diets. Diets 1 o'clock-2 o'clock in the low cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, but highly unsaturated fats, which means they have a higher proportion of multiple unsaturated to saturated fatty acids, or P / S ratio. Diet 2 differed from diet 1 in that it is more mono-unsaturated fats and fat. The diet (diet 3) was similar to a typical American diet, that is, high cholesterol, total fat, saturated fatty acids, but with low P / S ratio.

The men picked up all their food in special distribution centers. The food container does not have the ingredients, and neither the participants nor the doctors who knew who the study was on the diet. This approach, called "double blind" is to reduce unintended distortions on the part of a study of the issues or the medical science, since neither aware of who in the program until the end of the study.

After a year on the assigned diet, blood cholesterol levels fell between 11% and 12% of men on diets 1 and 2 The average cholesterol level in the group to the typical American diet was only 3%.

The next question was, "" will be the reduction of cholesterol by diet for healthy Americans drop in the rate of cardiovascular disease? "" There were several problems in trying to answer this question. Firstly, the symptoms of cardiovascular disease is usually four or more years to manifest. Secondly, even though cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in this country, the actual proportion of new cases per year in the proportion of people of middle age is relatively low, about five to ten new cases per 1000 middle-aged men. Thirdly, what the control group could use such a study?

Ideally, neither the participants nor the staff conducting the study should know what participants in the treatment group and that in the untreated control group. Diets, the high or low in animal fat and cholesterol are clear, and unless unlabeled food were taken to a Commissioner, everyone would know whether he for a diet high or low in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids. Because 100,000 men were needed for a final diet heart study, it was not possible, a blind control of the required size.

Because of these difficulties and a prospective price of approximately one billion U.S. Dollar, another approach was adopted. First, only patients with very high blood-cholesterol levels were, secondly, a drug treatment is chosen, that lowers the blood cholesterol to a greater extent than diet alone. This approach reduces the number of participants needed to a manageable level. A drug process can replace a diet process, provided that the drug has a specific effect on lowering blood cholesterol (and LDL-cholesterol). This allows a direct verification of the hypothesis that a reduction in blood cholesterol levels reduces cardiovascular disease. Further, a drug trial medical scientists to develop a suitable drug or inactive placebo that does not lower the cholesterol in the blood, so that the double-blind study.

Around 4,000 healthy middle-aged men with high levels of blood total and LDL cholesterol were either a treatment group, with an active medication called cholestyramine, or with a control group receiving placebo. Cholestyramine has been known to a significant decrease (10 to 20 percent) in the amount of total and LDL cholesterol in the blood. Both the treatment and control groups were compared on the same diet. Neither the participants nor the medical staff knew which of the two groups, a participant has been assigned. Cholesterol levels were every two months. After a year the results of the study are as follows:

Man from the group, the active ingredient: His cholesterol level at the beginning of the study was 281, and at the end was 199th Man from the group, the placebo from cholesterol was 273, and at the end was 274th The men, the cholestyramine was significantly greater decrease in blood cholesterol than men, placebo. Therefore, it is known that the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Angelo Abruzzese Author How can you run the risk of cardiovascular disease? Heart Disease

coronary heart disease research

coronary heart disease research
For many heart patients finding a way to reverse heart disease is a dream, while for others it may be a goal that they believe that someday May. When many professionals talks about reversing heart disease they may be confined to the possibility the stop, or at least slows the progression of the disease. Many cardiologists that the reversal of damage to the heart is not in the scope of today's medicine and that many surgical techniques can repair damaged blood vessels and even the heart valves, but are skeptical about the use of natural medicine to damage from heart disease.

Many heart experts say that once a heart is broken, it is almost impossible to repair. Valves can be replaced and the vessel repaired, but there is no known way around the body to heal on its own, as far as heart disease is concerned. Many claims of reversing heart disease focused on the impact of an individual lifestyle and nutrition, the future of the health of their hearts.

For years the medical community has one, a direct correlation between a person who diets and heart disease. In addition, a lack of movement and the stage is set for a heart attack. Some medical professionals dispute the diet-heart connection as a whole and in many other ways of reversing heart disease than a vegetarian way of life.

Total focus on individual health.

While disputes continue about the relationship between nutrition and heart disease, everyone agrees that eating nutritious meals instead of empty calorie diets have a positive impact on reversing heart disease. Exercise is also important because studies have repeatedly shown a connection between a healthy heart and weight of a person.

If a person is significantly overweight, the heart must work harder and under stress may simply give up, leading to a heart attack. An overweight can begin reversing heart disease through weight reduction to levels consistent with its amount and nature of the body. Healthy, balanced meals to achieve weight loss is much better for the reversal of heart problems than crash diets that starve the body of vitamins and minerals for health.

Changes in lifestyle including proper nutrition and exercise can go a long way to reverse heart disease, but if the heart muscle is damaged, there is no known way to cure them. Cardiac transplantation were successful, but instead of the heart is not in any way part of the reversal of heart disease.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with diseases of the heart, such as vitamin E, potassium and phytosterols.

Vitamin E may play an important role in reducing the risk of lung cancer, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. It provides oxygen to the heart and other muscles of the body and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Potassium can prevent high blood pressure and protect against artherosclerosis and the risk of stroke.

Phytosterols in flaxseed and peanuts, which are proposed to lower serum cholesterol.

coronary heart disease prognosis

coronary heart disease prognosis
High blood pressure or what is medically known as hypertension affect millions of Americans. In fact, over 80 million people in the U.S. have high blood pressure, and what is frightening is the fact that some of these people are not even aware that they have high blood pressure. This is why hypertension is known as the silent killer, because unless you have your blood pressure checked regularly, you have no way of knowing that you already have until it is already too high, the extent.

High blood pressure often manifests itself through headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds. Some people also feel pain at the back of the neck, when they wake up in the morning. Hypertension is not really life threatening, since they per se is not a disease. The level of blood pressure, but is a risk factor for heart disease and increases the predisposition to heart attacks. This is especially true with people who are over 35 years old and those who are much, much older.

Since it is a condition and not a disease that people can do a lot to prevent hypertension from settling in. Most doctors recommend a change of diet and lifestyle, an important change.

Diet is perhaps the primary lifestyle change that people should be in dealing with hypertension. Excessive consumption of fatty foods that are not easily digested can cause a lot of problems. Obese individuals are also more likely to develop hypertension not only because of the fat in their bodies, but also the constriction that produce these fats in the body. This constriction can affect the circulation and heart function, which may lead to a full-blown heart attack.

Another indication that the doctors about individuals, whose blood pressure is regular physical activity to help ensure that the government lower their blood pressure. Activities such as walking and jogging, cycling and swimming and other sports can decrease blood pressure. Doctors recommend that people in this movement and sporting activities for about 30 to 45 minutes per day, and they find their blood pressure significantly.

Alcohol, for example, the prevalence of hypertension, if it is in excess. The term here refers to more than two drinks per day. Studies have shown, in fact a direct relationship between these two factors, if the drinking water of more than five glasses per day. A drink here refers to a can of beer, a glass of wine or a Jigger of alcohol. However, there are people who have low tolerance to alcohol. It is best to stop drinking, if your blood pressure to rise or if you are already nauseous.

Smoking is also one of the things that a person can be avoided if you try to reduce either blood pressure or to prevent upward. In addition to the complications it poses to the lungs and circulatory system, including smoking increases the risk for heart disease. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes and tobacco can constrict the blood vessels that the heart beat faster.

Older people are also asked to avoid excessive coffee drinking. In one study it was found that five cups of coffee per day can easily increase of blood pressure. The combination of coffee with smoking increases the risk even more.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California, USA. He publishes articles and reports in various eZines and lood pressure on resources http://www.blood-pressure-facts.info

coronary heart disease prevention

coronary heart disease prevention
Coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction such as myocardial infarction can in great extend be prevented by lifestyle measures.

The direct causes of heart disease

The direct causes of coronary heart disease and heart attack are factors like these:

* Narrowing of blood vessels in the heart and the rest of the body by arteriosclerosis.
* High blood cholesterol level.
* High blood pressure.
* Over-weight.
* Diabetes.
* High-level of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood.
* High levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and low content of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in blood. Lipoprotein is a combination of protein and fatty substances linked.
* Inflammation in the circulatory system.
* High age.
* Inherited tendencies for high cholesterol and heart disease.
* Men have slightly greater chance of heart disease than women.

These factors are interrelated in complicated ways, and create or reinforce each other. For example, arteriosclerosis causes higher blood pressure, high blood pressure and leads to more atherosclerosis. Many of these factors are ultimately caused or aggravated by these lifestyle factors:

A too-high consumption of fat, cholesterol and sugar.
-Consuming the wrong fat types.
Deficiency of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutritional deficiencies.
Stress at work and in daily life.
-Lack of exercise.

Lifestyle adjustments are therefore the most important methods of prevention of heart failure.

Nutrition ADVICES

A diet with the aim of preventing heart disease is usually the same as a diet to prevent cancer and other diseases. Here are the general dietary advice


Avoid or reduce the amount of foods containing industrially processed, artificially made or heavily Fried.

Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and fouls.

Do not eat much red meat.

Eating 5 fruits or vegetables per day. Each piece should be about the size of an apple or carrot. They should be raw or carefully boiled so that the nutrients are not washed out.

Eating full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.

Eat only a moderate amount of fat.

Consume cholesterol rich foods like eggs, spawn or liver in only moderate quantities.

Ideally most fat you eat, the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some unsaturated fat of the different types of omega-3-and omega-6, but not too much omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.

To achieve right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a mixture of sources such as olives, olive oil, canola oil, nuts, nut oil, sunflower oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil (flax oil), fish and fish oil.

Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only with such types of oil will be too much unsaturated fats Omega-6-type.

Use only a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut and palm oil. A high consumption of fat from these sources, you have too much saturated fat.

Avoid that total fat was chemically modified so that so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often used in margarine, biscuits, snacks, fast food and other prepared foods.

Consume only a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.

Consume only a moderate amount of tranquilizers and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.

Use only a moderate amount of salt in the diet. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you need more salt.

DIET additions to the prevention of heart disease

There are indications that it is helpful to make some additions of natural substances to prevent heart disease and help to improve already manifest heart problems. These additions are:


Omega-3-fatty acids from fish and other marine animal sources, especially the fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and alpha-linolaeic acid. 1 gram per day for each of these substances can be used as a supplement. Higher amounts should only be used under medical supervision, because the higher amount of these substances can cause bleeding tendencies, and suppress the immune system.

Supplement of vitamin C was thought to prevent heart disease, but recent findings may be doubt.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid / folate, vitamin B12 and riboflavin seem to prevent the development of the substance homocysteine in the blood and thus to prevent heart disease, according to results from research projects.


The lifestyle measures in this article will help you lose weight. If these measures are not sufficient, you should be in a certain weight reduction program. If you have a program that has a moderate fat content philosophy. Some weight reduction programs have a higher fat and low carbohydrate consumed philosophy, and this is probably not the best, the chance of heart disease.


You should exercise at least some half an hour at least every second day. Condition training as vigorous walking, jogging, cycling or swimming is best for reducing the likelihood of heart attack. Muscle exercises are also of value, especially exercises building leg muscles


If you smoke, cessation or reduction of this habit radically reduces the chance of heart problems.


If you suffer from diabetes type 1, a good control of the disease through medication and insulin by diet adjustments will help to prevent heart disease.

Many people over the age of 50, and a growing number of young people suffer from type-2 diabetes because of poor lifestyle. This disease is not necessarily dramatic symptoms, but the disease increases the chance of serious heart problems, and many of them have the disease without knowing it. This disease can be prevented by the same lifestyle measures are presented. If you already have the disease, a strict control of carbohydrate intake is necessary. And sometimes drugs are used. People aged 50 and younger people who are not good, if they suffer from this condition.


Low doses of aspirin or aspirin to prevent heart disease from those with a high risk for heart disease. But these drugs increases the risk of bleeding and should not be used without constant medical supervision. For persons with a low risk of heart disease, the dangers of aspirin will be greater than the benefits.

coronary heart disease prevalence

coronary heart disease prevalence
cholesterol is a bad rap, when in fact it is important for many bodily functions. The body has the ability, all need cholesterol. Only animal food we eat, such as dairy products - milk, ice cream, and butter and beef, chicken , eggs, etc. cholesterol. Ingesting cholesterol from these sources will lead to an increase of cholesterol in the blood, but in most cases it is less than a similar increase, so it is best to eat smaller portions of animal foods.

Plants do not produce cholesterol, so that when we eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, fruits and the use or vegetable oils for cooking, not directly from these sources of cholesterol. However, saturated fatty acids from plants or animals into cholesterol by the liver. So that consumption of saturated fat is the real culprit. Plant products have a withdrawal of nature - in most cases with more heart-friendly fats such as polyunsaturates and simple ( "good fats"), together with the saturated fatty acids.

The main source of cholesterol in the blood is the liver. It coated particles of cholesterol in protein sheaths. These are known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein). LDLs in the bloodstream and become the cells that they need. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) particles are used for the cleaning of arteries that cholesterol is not required. If the delivery of HDL particles is not large enough to display the circulatory system of free cholesterol, the LDL particles of the LDL particles can be used in combination with free radicals are oxidized, and penetrate into the cell wall artery-hardening process of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and heart disease. The amount of cholesterol in the blood at a given moment is determined by the ratio of LDL to HDL levels levels. If your doctor has a lipid panel test on a sample of blood, the results show that cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels and your triglyceride level (other blood fats).

Some people are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol in the blood. If your father or paternal grandparents or maternal grandparents or mother died of heart disease - is it possible that you have inherited this risk factor and the level of cholesterol in the blood are high, because it is.

Otherwise, accumulation of cholesterol in blood comes from:

1) A diet of foods rich in saturated fatty acids and / or cholesterol

2) Lack of regular (aerobic) exercise

The easiest way to lower cholesterol is through regular aerobic exercise and keep your weight. Stay away from fatty fast food and eat a diet closer to nature - lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and small (4 ounce) of meat (small portions of animal foods that contain cholesterol and saturated fatty acids). You will feel better and the heart and arteries to love it.

Tim Lazaro is a competitive, masters runner who writes on issues related to health, natural food diets and aerobics. He employs the lifestyle and diet changes that he writes about. He lowered his total cholesterol and lost weight using these cholesterol-lowering methods.

Download the free guide here: Lowering Cholesterol ebook.

coronary heart disease journal

coronary heart disease journal
The three main initiatives that the cardiac victims

1.The normal weight

Compared to an average person, the risks of cardiovascular disease is much more in the person being overweight. The victim must be provided at regular intervals, the BMI or Body Mass Index to the anomalies in the weight class. An exercise of about half an hour at regular intervals throughout the week is recommended. The patient should be on a healthy diet throughout life. Some of the key components of the diet should include all kind of cereals, fruits and vegetables. A very quick walk during the lunch break is good. Instead of the stairs instead of the elevator is proposed.

2. The triglyceride and cholesterol levels must be tested

Increase in cholesterol in the blood can cause the block of the flow of blood into the arteries. This might not the heart to a more blood. Ultimately this leads to a heart attack. A type of fat in the blood flow is known as triglycerides. Even an increase in the levels of triglycerides in the blood leads to heart disease in some cases. Until now, there are no symptoms to abnormalities in the level of either the triglycerides or cholesterol. It is therefore strongly recommended a regular review of its levels. Consult a doctor if there is an increase in either their levels. The doctor can be a valuable recipe to determine the level of cholesterol or triglycerides.

3.Check if the patient suffers from diabetes.

People with diabetes have a higher probability of heart disease. There is high blood glucose or blood sugar in diabetic patients. The high blood sugar levels shows no symptoms in the patient. Therefore, it is always advisable, regular monitoring of blood glucose. About the consultation of a doctor, the doctor decides whether the insulin or tablets to be. The doctor could also a timetable for the food and exercises.

A brief light thrown on the three main basic steps that are needed to address the risks of heart disease.

coronary heart disease ppt

coronary heart disease ppt
Also known as acute myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction is the commonest cause of death worldwide. On average, from 1.2 million Americans suffer from a heart attack annually and 40% of people die. This condition is characterized by an interruption of the blood - flow to a certain region in the center. The disruption results in oxygen deficiency, which causes heart tissue damage and tissue death.

People with a history of stroke, atherosclerotic heart disease or angina and abnormal heart rhythm have a higher risk of a heart attack. The disease affects mainly men over 40 years old and women over 50 years old. There are also medical and scientific studies, that women, the contraceptive pills have a higher risk for a heart attack than those who can not be used. A person who is way of life may also be the chances of a heart attack. Smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, the presence of high triglyceride levels in the food you eat, high LDL and low HDL levels are some of the risk factors you should learn to avoid. On the other hand, persons with the diagnosis of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and high stress are also seriously threatened.

A person who has a heart attack experience chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, vomiting, sweating, palpitations and anxiety. These symptoms are usually experienced by men, while among women, symptoms include fatigue and weakness. There is evidence that at least 30% of all heart attack incidents have no visible symptoms and are called "silent" infarcts.

A person from a heart attack requires immediate medical attention to prevent lasting damage to the heart of addition of oxygen, and aspirin Glyceryltrinitrat, people who have heart attacks will have a series of diagnostic tests, including an EKG, blood tests and chest X-ray. These tests will determine the troponin or creatine kinase, which is usually an indication of heart tissue damage. The treatment may be the thrombolytic therapy or percutaneous coronary intervention. In severe cases, a bypass operation carried out in order to unblock the affected coronary artery.

Heart attacks are usually caused by intense exertion, both psychological and physical. Acute severe infections such as pneumonia, can also trigger heart attacks. A person employed by one with a heart attack usually is a clinical history of chest pain for more than 20 minutes. The person will also change EKG readings and fluctuations in serum cardiac biomarkers.

People who survive a heart attack, the risk of recurrence of the blood pressure monitoring and the implementation of lifestyle changes. They would not be allowed to smoke, drink and be encouraged to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and the long-term medication. These drugs are Antiplatelet drug therapy (aspirin), beta-blocker therapy (Metoprolol), ACE inhibitor therapy, statin therapy, aldosterone antagonist agent eplerenone and Omega-3-fatty acids.

Complications from a heat attack are very likely now. These complications can be heart failure, myocardial rupture, pericarditis, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiogenic shock. That is the reason, heart attacks can be fatal, since the effects occur rather quickly.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who Merited Health - a site for the various health-related articles. Read more about myocardial infarction.

coronary heart disease pictures

coronary heart disease pictures
Heart Health

Cardiovascular disease is the commonest cause of death in the United States. Do you think that more people die from heart disease than any other cause. In fact, over 27% of people, regardless of age or gender, with heart disease, and this figure rises to over 30% when you only to people who died at the age of 65. It is clear that heart disease is a major problem in the United States, and that the very heart health is an important aspect in the maintenance of a healthy and active lifestyle. No other part of the body is considered a major impact on whether you live a happy life, or just sick of life. As the figures show, not enough, the Americans, their heart health seriously.

Understanding Heart Disease

Before you begin, to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, it is important to begin an understanding of what your heart is for the body, and what exactly is heart disease.

As you probably already know, your heart is a muscle. While it is probably the most important muscle in your body - it is, after all, with the moving oxygen-rich blood to every cell in the body. Because she works so hard, it needs a steady flow of blood, then the oxygen and nutrients, which allow them to work.

This offer of blood is the most common form of heart disease, coronary heart disease, comes in. coronary heart disease may be as a result of the construction of a material that plaque in your coronary arteries, the arteries, the blood to your heart's content. Plaque can be made up of fatty materials, scar tissue and calcium deposits as a result of poor diet choices. When plaque builds up to a certain level, the supply of blood to the heart. This means that the heart is not enough blood to function properly. Your blood-starved heart can go on a series of problems, from chest pain (angina pectoris) for a full on heart attack.

Another common cardiac disease associated with coronary heart disease is heart failure. When the heart is not enough oxygen, it will not be able to pump as strongly as it should. This means that your body is not the constant supply of blood, that they work correctly, so you breathless and limiting your activity. And, of course, only makes the situation even worse.

What can you do to stop heart disease?

Cardiovascular disease is preventable and manageable. While your likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease by a number of factors such as age and sex, you have no control over the majority of risk factors associated with heart disease are the result of lifestyle. If you really want to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, you need to stop smoking, stop drinking, be physically active, start eating better, especially through the elimination of fatty foods and a healthy weight. Do not be a statistic - talk to your doctor about what you can do to make your heart health.

Steve Dolan living a healthy lifestyle. Find out how at Heart Disease and Health andHeart for a healthier you health and vitality

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Dolan

coronary heart disease pdf

coronary heart disease pdf
These essential fatty acids in flaxseed help cholesterol and triglycerides (amount of fat in the blood), blood pressure stable and prevent clotting and plaque building. Given the fact that the heart attack in America have steadily to about three percent in the last century, more Americans could certainly be a daily dose of flaxseed in the diet.

There have been studies conducted on people with high cholesterol have demonstrated that the ALA in walnuts lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. Linseed also contains a high level of ALA, which suggests that it is also the same impact.

Reported to have those with a high dietary ALA content are much less likely to be a heart attack. Two fatty acids produced that ALA, EPA and DHA, help in the prevention of blood clots and prevent plaque-ups to build, both to heart attack.

Often those who had a heart attack are at a higher risk of another is potentially lethal. Adding an omega-3-fatty acids to supplement the ALA, DHA and EPA may increase the risk substantially, possibly to prevent severe stroke or even death. This means, linseed is a perfect addition for anyone with a history of heart attacks in the family or had to go.

A natural way to lower your blood pressure is by Omega-3-fatty acids. Many people choose to linseed oil instead of fish oil, because it is not the risk that a high level of harmful mercury.

If heart disease leads to the family, you have a heart attack before, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels or blood clots, start supplementing your diet with flaxseed. It is a powder you can use on your cereal or in smoothies, milk shakes or salads. You can change the oil in all the above well, or if you are extremely delicate and sensitive to the taste, the capsule form would be more suited to you.

Cardiovascular health is one of the most important aspects of your physical will. So do not wait until it is too late, and you have a heart attack, or worse, death. There are so many benefits that whole flaxseed as essential fatty acid dietary supplements, you will notice you feel better do not have much time. Your skin will glow and you will lift sentiment, leading to a total of less stress and less pressure on the heart.

Learn more about flaxseed and flaxseed oil supplement stress. http://www.OmegaFlaxSeedOil.com is a comprehensive resource to individuals benefit from the advantages of Essential Nutrition as flaxseed oil, omega-3-fatty acids and vitamin B12.

coronary heart disease mortality

coronary heart disease mortality
adults whose blood pressure over 140/90 mm Hg are concerned with hypertension and are more likely to stroke and heart disease. It is advisable that the parties concerned with this condition, their doctors immediately and plan how best to manage their high blood pressure. There are no signs of high blood pressure, because a large majority of Americans suffer with high blood pressure are not even aware of it. For this reason, it is important that the blood pressure checked regularly.

Although we do not know why high blood pressure occurs, we are aware of some factors contributing to it and so can the risk of strokes and heart attacks. These include eating too much salt, obesity, physical inactivity, stress and excessive consumption of alcohol and other illicit substances. Then there are some aspects that are inherited can not be controlled. For example, persons of African descent are more likely to develop high blood pressure. They also contribute to a younger age, and often in severe forms.

Symptoms of heart attack and anxiety, a sense of impending doom, chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, palpitations, nausea and vomiting. Often, heart attack patients feel suddenly very ill. The symptoms of heart attack in men are often different than the symptoms in women. Women most often experience fatigue, shortness of breath, and a feeling of weakness. About one third of all heart attacks remain silent and not from any chest pain or associated symptoms.

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coronary heart disease is

coronary heart disease is
heart disease remains the number one killer in the U.S. for men and women. Traditionally, a low-fat diet is a recipe for health, cardiovascular causes many people to shrink away. Not anymore! The good news is there are many things that you can add to your diet, which greatly improve your risk factors for heart disease. Here are 6 power foods you can start adding to your diet to keep your heart healthy!

Nuts Nuts are not just low in calories and fat, they contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids that are known to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown eating about one ounces of nuts each day will reduce the risk of heart disease in the long term by 30% after Frank Hu, MD, PhD, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.

Soy Soy has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels. With soy on a weekly basis is a big step towards protecting your heart. If you are not a tofu fan, try soy milk or yogurt, garden burgers, edamme (soy beans), soy sausage or pâté. There are all kinds of possibilities, soy into your diet!

Hot Cocoa-Yes you read correctly! Cocoa contains high levels of flavonoids, a class of phytochemicals known to prevent heart disease. Researchers have found that hot cocoa has more disease fighting antioxidants than tea or red wine and the heat can help drive them into the bloodstream. Hot cocoa is also much lower in saturated fatty acids than other sources, such as chocolate bars.

Beans and lentils, such as beans, peas, black beans, etc. --- are high in both soluble fiber and folic acid to lower cholesterol and decrease homocysteine levels (high homocysteine levels with an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders).

Broccoli-A powerful antioxidant in broccoli and broccoli sprouts May protect the heart from high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. A new study shows the connection, called glucoraphanin, contributed to heart health, fight inflammation, and the natural defenses against oxidative stress.

Grape juice-The flavonoids in grape juice, as in wine, have shown to prevent the oxidation of so-called bad cholesterol (LDLs, or low-density lipoproteins) leads to the formation of plaque in artery walls. Grape juice is also the risk of developing blood clots leading to heart attack.

To begin, these foods today and begin your journey to better heart health.

© Meri Raffetto, 2004

About the Author

Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized expert in the field of nutrition and wellness. She has two online weight management programs, the Mini Diet Makeover and The Ultimate Diet Makeover, which is based on a healthy, non-diet approach to weight loss. For more information or to sign up for our free newsletter to find http://www.reallivingnutrition.com.

coronary heart disease information

coronary heart disease information
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), also known as coronary heart disease, affects approximately 14 million men and women in the United States. Disease arises when a combination of fatty material substances, calcium and scar tissue (plaque) builds in the arteries provide that the heart with blood. Through these arteries, called coronary arteries, the heart muscle (myocardium), the oxygen and other nutrients needed to pump blood.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a preventable disease that kills more than 110,000 people each year in England. More than 1.4 million people suffer from angina and 275,000 people a year a heart attack. CHD is the commonest cause of death in the country.The government is committed to reducing the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease and stroke, and diseases for people under 75 by at least 40% (to 83.8 deaths per 100,000 population) from 2010.
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to an area of heart muscle is completely blocked. This prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching that area of heart muscle and leads them to die. Without prompt treatment, a heart attack can lead to serious problems and even death. Over time, CAD can weaken the heart muscle and leads to heart failure and arrhythmias (ah-Rith-me-AHS). Heart failure is a condition in which your heart can not pump enough blood through the body. Arrhythmias are problems with the speed and rhythm of the heartbeat.
It is usually caused by a so-called atherosclerosis, which occurs when fatty acids and a substance called plaque builds on the walls of the arteries. This means that they are close. Since the coronary arteries narrow, blood flow in the heart can slow or stop, causing chest pain (stable angina), shortness of breath, heart attack and other symptoms. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States of men and women. According to the American Heart Association, more than 15 million people are in some form on the state.
Coronary artery disease occurs when the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle) decreased by a gradual building of fatty materials within their walls material. This condition is called atherosclerosis and the fatty material is called atheroma. Over time, the artery may be so narrow that it is not enough oxygen to the heart muscle with blood, especially at times when there is more demand-such as when you exert yourself. The pain or discomfort, as a result of what is called angina.
If a coronary artery is completely blocked, you may have a heart attack. The classic symptoms of a heart attack are pain in the crushing chest pain in the shoulder or arm, and shortness of breath. Women are slightly more likely than men to other warning signs of a heart attack, including nausea and back or jaw pain. Sometimes a heart attack occurs, without any visible signs or symptoms.
Many of the plaque deposits are hard on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside. The hard surface can crack or break, allowing the soft, fatty inside. If this happens, platelets (disc-shaped particles in the blood that aid clotting) come to the area, and blood clots form around the plaque. This causes the artery to narrow even more.
The symptoms of CAD 1) chest pain (angina pectoris) from inadequate blood flow in the heart, 2) heart attack (acute myocardial infarction), from the sudden blockage of the coronary, or 3) sudden death through a lethal rhythm disturbances .

coronary heart disease in women

coronary heart disease in women
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death and morbidity among women in the world, representing a third of all deaths among women worldwide. It is estimated that 1 in 2 women will later of cardiovascular or stroke compared to 1 in 25 women who die of breast cancer. While the men have a higher incidence of heart attack than women, the chance that women who, during a heart attack is higher.

The risk factors for CHD are more or less equal for men and women, with some minor differences. These risk factors include smoking, cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, physical inactivity, obesity, and last but not least, stress. The management of these risk factors are usually either ignored or less vigorously pursued in women than men.

Smoking increases the risk for CHD enormously when concomitant use of oral contraceptives.

Grew up on the total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol are weak in the context of CHD in women. Instead, HDL-cholesterol is exactly the opposite, and in connection with CHD. Triglycerides, especially for older women or diabetics, are independent predictor of CHD.

Diabetes is a very bad performance and risk of CHD in women from three to seven times, compared with a rise in two-three for men. Diabetes dramatically increases the mortality rate of myocardial infarction in women as well.

The importance of high blood pressure is similar in men and women. Optimal treatment of hypertension, the various complications such as death, stroke, heart failure or CHD.

A sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to the health center. Regular exercise provide benefits for women in reducing the risk of CHD.

Obesity is closely associated with diabetes and high blood pressure. Central obesity, a waist-to-hip ratio greater than 0.85, is mainly associated with the CHD in women.

Both acute and chronic forms of stress can create a contributory role in the development of CHD or plaque rupture. In addition, depression, increased anxiety and a lack of social support may be partly due to the poorer outcome in women after cardiac events or cardiac surgery.

One of the best times, women should have their risk factors during pregnancy. You should stop smoking and excessive weight gain avoided. They should seek medical advice on diet, physical activity and stress management for cardiovascular health.

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Heart Disease Prevention - 8 simple ways you can immediately go to: http://www.howtopreventheartdisease.com

coronary heart disease incidence

coronary heart disease incidence
Osteoporosis causes bones to lose mass and density. Because the bones are porous and brittle, the chance of fracture is greatly increased. Often there are no signs of a person and only discovered that they suffer from osteoporosis if they suffer a fracture .

Cardiovascular disease includes a number of conditions under which the structure or function of the heart. It includes coronary heart disease (including myocardial infarction), abnormal heart rhythms or arrythmias, heart failure, heart valve disease, congenital heart disease, diseases of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), pericardial disease, aorta disease and Marfan syndrome, circulatory disorders (diseases of the blood vessels).

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States, it is essential to learn how to prevent heart disease.

During menopause, many women are simply getting more and more osteoporosis. Indeed, it would be easy for them to heart disease.

What is this?

Women, during menopause, estrogen may be missing. This causes the bones to lose calcium and become weaker, which is not at risk for severe bone loss or osteoporosis. A lack of estrogen increases risk of heart disease.

However, there are steps you can do to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases, such as:

1. Get enough calcium to your bones strong. Before menopause, you need about 1,000 mg of calcium per day. After menopause, you need 1,500 mg per day. You can also talk with your doctor about taking medicine to maintain bone and slow down bone loss. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Try to load-bearing exercises such as walking, running or dancing.

2. Eat plenty of healthy whole grain products products, vegetables and fruits in your diet. Choose a diet low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.

3. A healthy body weight. Ask your doctor what a healthy weight is for you.

4. Check your blood pressure. Ask your doctor what is a healthy number for you and how often you need it checked.

5. If you have diabetes, control and monitor your blood glucose levels.

6. Reduce your cholesterol at the right height. Ask your doctor what is a healthy level for you.

7. If you smoke, try to quit. Ask your doctor for help or visit this special part of the NWHIC Website: www.4woman.gov/QuitSmoking

8. If you drink alcohol, they are limited to no more than one drink per day.

So, if you believe that the menopause has begun, it is important that you make sure the eight essential ways to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease.

coronary heart disease in uk

coronary heart disease in uk
Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful economic and herbs known to mankind, but unfortunately very few know of its efficacy. Cayenne pepper and heart health should be regarded as a synonym for all with heart or cardiovascular problems, it is but not. By the power and the power of Big Pharma and their unholy alliance with the Government of the United States, many Americans are simply unaware of natural herbs that dramatically improve their heart health.

"If this is true, then why did not the masses heard of him? "" You can. A fair question. In a word: money. Literally billions of dollars were for cardiac care and research, not to mention the billions to fight cholesterol drugs.

In fact, the number one-selling drugs in the U.S. is Lipitor - allegedly sold to reduce cholesterol and development of cardiovascular diseases. Cayenne may be considered that all of them.

Before the discussion on the benefits of Cayenne pepper and heart health, however, let's consider the result of the billions who "invested" in the name of curing heart disease, if it is a key criterion, with the government and medical institutional spending should be judged, it should be confirmed by the results.

According to a May 25, 2006 report by the BBC, heart disease is the commonest cause of death in the United Kingdom. Over the pond in the United States, the National Heart Foundation says, "" Coronary heart disease is the main cause of death for men and women in the U.S., Eclipsing all other causes, such as cancer and lung diseases.

Each year more than 479,000 Americans die of cardiovascular disease. "" It is clear that the current allopathic (traditional western medicine) approach is missing.

The unholy collusion between government, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine, with its powerful financial influence that pervades almost every facet of society. Homeopathic medicine is not only mocked, but also persecuted and criminalized, while allopathic medicine is revered as the only way to health. In reality, the best of allopathic and homeopathic interventions would be ideal, but for this to happen, the results should be the last instance, to determine the effectiveness of an intervention, not corporate and governmental interests.

Background Information

So, what is the Cayenne? You probably recognize her name as a potent condiment often in the kitchen, but their value is far above its culinary uses. It is an herb that is nothing less than astounding.

It is a multi-talented herb is also known that, although it obliquely, as in Africa, peppers, red peppers American, Spanish pepper, paprika, pepper and bird. Cayenne is composed of two related plants. In particular, the American variety (Capsicum minimum) is distinguished from its African counterparts of the African birdseye Cayenne (Capsicum fastigiatum), although both are very useful for humans. The African birdseye Cayenne is sharp with small, yellowish-red peppers, while the American variety is distinguished by its tart-size and larger fruits or pods.

The nutritional value of Cayenne is known, of course, but its real value is as a medicinal and nutritional herb. His medical applications for the use of the wounds, heart disease, heart attack, heart problems in large ulcers, congestion, runny nose, chills, bleeding in the lungs, neuralgia, lumbago, bleeding, hemorrhoids, high and low blood pressure, digestive disorders and kidney and related problems. (This is by no means a comprehensive list in regard to the effectiveness of herbs.)

Cayenne is a stimulant and as such is an activator, carrier and other herbs accentuator to be. Nevertheless, can and should be used by itself. Let us now discuss some of these ancillary services used, before we go into the depth and capsicum on heart health.

Cayenne pepper anti-fungal properties are tangible, although this is not its primary health benefits. It has been shown in some studies, against collectotrichum and phomopsis, both fungal pathogens. These important fungal pathogens affecting strawberries and other fruits and are not directly related to the people themselves.

However, cayenne immune system, benefits are of interest to the researchers. Currently, it is currently used by many companies, food supplement for its therapeutic and nutritional benefits. If you are a natural Antifungals aid, Cayenne Garlic is for garlic has long been known for its anti-fungal properties. (In Russia, it has long been called "the" Russian penicillin ".")

Benefits of Capsicum

Capsicum increases the metabolism of direct influence on the venous structure. It is remarkable, with their direct effects on the circulatory system as it nourishes the essential elements in the cell structure of capillaries, veins, arteries, and helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels. Yes, cayenne for high blood pressure is certainly one of the most important applications, but it cleans the arteries as well.

In addition, the peristaltic motion of the intestines and Aids in assimilation and elimination. If it internally, it warms the body and even by some doctors Herbalist to severe frostbite as Cayenne not only facilitates the healing of the flesh, but it helps to rebuild and tissues.

Despite its hot taste, it is excellent for the reconstruction of tissue in the stomach for it actually facilitates rapid healing of gastric and intestinal ulcers. Capsicum for ulcers is not something most would have been because of his native calidity, but the author may be based on this aspect of this miracle herb.

The dramatic impact

Dr. John Christopher, the famous natural Herbalist, has been relentlessly pursued by the government, while patients in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, pleurisy, tuberculosis, infertility, rheumatism, leukemia and other diseases. One of his biggest stories in his long career was how he could immediately stop a heart attack when he could have the patient drink a glass of warm water Cayenne. In his writings, he said, "A teaspoon of Cayenne, the patient from the heart attack. "

(This is not directly related to heart health, with internal hemorrhaging, if the patient can drink a glass of warm water with extra cayenne, Dr. Christopher wrote ""... by the Count of ten stops the bleeding. Instead of pressure, central, it is balanced and the clotting time is quicker. ")

Perhaps you can now see why the Cayenne is called a "miracle herb." "With more than 700,000 Americans with a stroke and each year nearly half a million die from heart disease, the cure to a healthy heart is as close as your local grocery store. The Cayenne detox drink, if it religiously, will dramatically improve your heart health and your venous structure.

Side Effects & Bad Points

What are the side effects of too much Cayenne? What are the downsides? Well, it is hot to the taste. Drink what the author calls the Cayenne detox drink is not for the faint of heart (on second thought maybe it was!). When first starting to drink the capsicum detoxification drink, he tends to come from the body of the openings with a burning sensation.

Do not worry, though. It is very beneficial. In fact, capsicum becomes clear when the piles regularly - especially if the hemorrhoid sufferer change their diet to a more rich in dietary fiber.

To mitigate its heat, the author suggests that with only half a teaspoon of Cayenne in a glass of eight ounces of lukewarm water (or less if desired). Do you have another glass of water nearby just as drinking cold water after drinking Cayenne help mitigate the calidity of the drink after the impact. Yes, you can use it in capsule form, but its effects are not directly the way it would be by direct application.

There are also some suggestions that the combination of water and lemon Cayenne for rapid metabolism. (There are also some who believe that a combination of lemon Cayenne helps burn fat adipose loss. It is questionable, but drinking a mixed mash of lemon water and Cayenne for the rapid metabolism is certainly more palatable.)

Drink the capsicum detoxification drink a day will bring tangible benefits, and the body will quickly get used to his native heat. Within a month or two, you will be able to drink a tablespoon of paprika, without too much discomfort.

Yes, you could be in a Cayenne fruit diet, drinking water, but it is easier and more convenient. One last comment: no significant side effects have been reported. Certainly, too much of something is not healthy, a problem that never really Cayenne due to the heat. In relation to health effects, there is none. As with all things, but with discretion and wisdom.


If you are worried about your heart health, or if you suffer from heart diseases, Cayenne should be a staple in your daily diet. This incredible plant is a miracle, and can be very much on your health. Cayenne is one of the biggest secrets to health in the world.

In fact, the Hunzas from Asia Minor who have lived for centuries on a diet of apricots and Cayenne, with a lot of living to age 150. Cayenne is certainly a great seasoning, with panache by the great chefs, but his true value lies in its healing properties. Slowly and surely, their remarkable achievements are on the rise by a public awareness increasingly frustrated by the traditional medicine of non-causal approach. Perhaps you can now see why the Cayenne is a prince among herbs.

Glenn Reschke is the webmaster of Cayenne pepper and heart health information, how to get Cheap Auto Insurance, education and online guide and review

coronary heart disease in the uk

coronary heart disease in the uk
Public health messages sometimes rather have the opposite effect of what they have to do. Constantly bombarded by the same broken record we can turn. Unfortunately it is very rare that the risks of these warnings will disappear in a similar way. Take, for example, the risks that obese or even overweight. We may ignore all the warnings, we want, but the fact remains that if you are overweight, you will eventually suffer the associated health problems.

In a recent National Geographic magazine, the statistically most frequent causes of death in the United States were. The first three are heart disease (1 in 5 chance), cancer (1 chance in 7) and stroke (1 in 24 chance). All three are closely related to, if not directly related to obesity (by the way, the cause of death with the least chance of the fireworks, the discharge with a 1 in 340,733 chance). It is no coincidence that the Americans also happen to be the fattest people walking the earth at the moment, closely followed, we should add, by the Australians.

If you feel that you are not in danger, on a tape measure and measure your waist. The people have an increased risk of developing obesity-related diseases, when the measurement is more than 94cm, and a significantly higher risk if their waist is more than 102cm. For women these figures are respectively 80cm and 88cm.

Fat around the abdomen, cutely called a "Pot Belly", irrespective of the rest of your size, increases the chance of developing health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and certain cancers. Many of you will probably be surprised to find in this higher risk category. The large number of people in our community who are morbidly obese tend to the rest of us a false sense of security.

The health risks and body fat distribution is as follows:

Least risk - slim people with no pot belly

Moderate risk - overweight people without a pot belly

Moderate risk - overweight people without a pot belly

High risk - overweight people with a pot belly

Your risk of disease increases with your weight. The more overweight you are, the higher your chances for developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid) and gallbladder disease. Obesity can also be applied to the uncomfortable state of sleep and painful arthritis.

Overweight people also tend to high blood pressure, with a multitude of health problems. Excess pounds can also mean very high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fats), which also lead to heart disease.

When overweight or obese is almost certainly shorten your life, and ensure the quality of your life. The irony here is that heart disease, cancer and stroke, many are largely preventable through proper diet and exercise. Inflictions This is not something that grows out of our power, a symptom of modern life that we learn to accept.

The good news is, a loss of almost five to 10 pounds can dramatically improve your health. There is also a good idea to have your doctor check your blood pressure and cholesterol. Will these symptoms can be incredible damage to your body.

Simple changes to your diet and lifestyle will have dramatic and positive impact on your health.

1. Some regular exercise, start with only three or four half-hour walks per week. Build your exercise to a half hour per day, plus some stretching, deep breathing, resistance training (light weights for 10 minutes three times per week), and some endurance training, your heart rate up (20 minutes, three times per week ).

2. Get some good quality sleep each night (7-8 hours), and try to go to bed and up to about the same time every day, including weekends.

3. Get a hobby besides eating. Eat only when hungry instead!

4. Avoid saturated fats, trans fats, and white bread, white rice and white noodles.

5. Food, which as close as possible to its natural state as possible, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread, cereals, pasta and brown rice.

6. Drink eight glasses of water per day.

7. Take a quality multivitamin.

Your in health,

Leisa St Ledger


coronary heart disease in men and women

coronary heart disease in men and women
The heart is one of the strongest muscles in the body, and it is divided into two parts. The upper part contains the two atrium chambers and the lower half contains the two ventricular chambers. The atrium of the collection of blood outside the heart area and forcing them into the ventricular chambers. The two ventricular chambers to distribute the blood into the lungs for oxygen or in the rest of the human body, depending on which one of the ventricular chambers are on the lookout.

Some times one or more of the four valves may be damaged due to disease, injury, or you could be born with a defective heart valve. Normally the valves it is the blood to flow only in one direction, but if the valves are damaged incorrect. Valvular regurgitation (leakiness) and stenosis (stiffness) are the two major types of heart valve disease. If the damage to the valve is large enough, you may suffer from cardiac disease and if it is a possibility of a heart attack or even death is greatly increased.

Causes of heart valve disease.

The recreational use of amphetamines, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy and other drugs may revise the heart and lead to a heart valve disease.

Another reason is a condition known as congenital anomaly, a defect in the heart valve, which at birth as a heart murmur, small hole in the valve or any type of malformation of the valves.

Constriction of blood vessels and arteries to and away from the heart can cause enough stress on the valves of the heart to cause damage. This can be caused by extensive calcification that sometimes occurs in old age such as atherosclerosis.

Bacterial infection, inflammation of the valve, and diseases such as rheumatic fever can also cause cardiac problems.

Symptoms of some type of heart valve disease can be very easily and can be used on a variety of problems such as asthma, heartburn, cynosis (a bluish tint to the lips and the bed of nails). It is a serious disease, and you should not attempt to self-diagnose the problem.

If you are one of the following symptoms during physical activity you should to your doctor as soon as possible. If you have dizzy spells or weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, skin coloration changes to a gray or bluish tint (pink or red is normal), or your time, from the physical activity is exaggerated.

Obviously, good nutrition and exercise will greatly reduce your chances of developing a type of heart valve problems. As with any disease, early detection and treatment is crucial for the successful recovery of cardiac valve disease.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with heart valve disease such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Sytrinol, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Policosanol and Antioxidants.

Vitamin C has show to reduce high blood pressure.

Vitamin E improves circulation and promotes normal blood clotting and is known for the red blood cells live longer.

Sytrinol are known to be helpful maintain a healthy level of cholesterol in the body by reducing triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein levels.

Pantothenic Acid is another form of nontoxic B vitamins and is crucial for the metabolism and the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Niacin is the closest thing to a perfect treatment corrects that most causes of cardiovascular disease. Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Niacin plays a crucial role in energy production, gene expression and hormone synthesis. You can not live without them. Niacin also tend to shift the LDL particle to larger particle distribution and improve HDL functioning.

Policosanol is a natural complement of sugar cane, and it promotes healthy platelet function and to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the human body.

Natural antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, grapes, and spinach.

Lifestyle changes can also be the risk that medical emergencies. If you stop smoking, eat healthy foods, maintaining proper weight function get regular exercise.

This report is nutritional in nature and not as medical advice.

Always consult your physician before using this information.

coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women

coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women
heart disease treatment has made great strides in the last 50 years. Not only was there an increase in information about the risks, symptoms and causes. There was also an increase in the number of available options for the treatment of various types of heart disease.

A treatment, we have now for many heart disease patients, the stent. Questions remain on the stent when.

1. Stents are effective in heart disease?
2. Stents are effective in the long term heart disease?
3. Stents are effective in heart disease than other treatments?

What a stent is

A stent is a small metal tubes made of wire mesh. The tube is placed in a partially blocked artery to prop it open and allow blood to flow more freely.

As a stent is

Operation is not required to provide a stent for heart disease. A stent is typically made during the angioplasty. In angioplasty without stent, a small balloon at the tip of the catheter in an artery (usually in the groin) and inflated to open a blocked artery in the area. If the doctor believes that the balloon is not sufficient, and a stent is necessary, the stent is collapsed to a small diameter and the balloon catheter. The doctor then moves the balloon-stent and the artery to the blocked section. The balloon is inflated, and when he blows, making the stent expand. The expanded stent is locked, and provides a supportive framework for the artery open. The balloon and catheter are removed.

Time a stent remains in place

A stent is permanent. It is intended that in the artery, and they open it. The expectation is that there is an improvement of blood flow to the heart and cardiovascular symptoms years.

In these years, though, stents are effective in treating heart disease? Or are they possible problems?

Effectiveness of stents

Within a few weeks the time a stent is inserted, the inner lining of the artery begins to grow on the metal surface of the tiny tubes. This growth tends to block the artery again. Additional plaque can build. If this happens, the artery closes in the same place, and heart disease symptoms returned. The main symptom is probably a pain in the chest.

In an effort to avoid this growth, pharmaceutical companies developed a new stent to replace the bare-metal stents. The new stent is coated with drugs that release slowly. The drugs help the artery from closing again. In any case, the patient must be the anti-clotting medication, but it is hoped that the newer stents may be effective long term.

Stents compared to other treatments

The last question is: stents are more effective in heart disease than other treatments? Many drugs have been developed for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Suppose a patient is decided on the stent and on medication. What then?

A landmark study published in March 2007 showed that after 5 years, cardiac patients who have stable angina, and were only with prescription drugs and aspirin, have the same as those which a stent in an affected artery. You get the same rate. The stent placement more relief of angina pain, but the playing field leveled out over time.

The study discovered that more than half of heart patients who angioplasty - 1 million annually - have stable heart disease. That is, they would just as well with drugs, because they are consistent with stents. The authors of the study that more than 85 percent of all stents, which are unnecessary. In the U.S., the cost per patient of unnecessary stent placement is between $ 30,000 and $ 40,000.

Stents are effective in treating heart disease, medication, but is just as effective in patients with stable angina pectoris.

The Decision Maker

The decision makers usually an interventional cardiologist. An interventional cardiologist is the only one that the angiography, the most widely used test to see whether an artery is blocked. He or she is the patient's written permission prior to angiography, a blockade, when stents immediately found. In other words, the interventional cardiologists are the decision makers for the cardiac patients.

The patient has no opportunity to reflect on the severity of the blockade or the possibility, with the exception of a stent. Unfortunately, the interventional cardiologists are signs of a reluctance to abandon stents. The patient becomes a firm resolve before angiography, and the permission to refuse treatment if the medication is preferred.

Disclaimer: The author is not a doctor, and shares this research for educational purposes only. Please ask your doctor about whether stents are effective cardiovascular diseases.

coronary heart disease in men

coronary heart disease in men
The term" blood "refers to the pressure or force in the blood vessels of the body by the pumping of the heart. That pump action causes blood to be pushed into the circulatory system of the body. The blood vessels expand or contract and thus the quantity of blood, and resistance to blood flow. Blood pressure is measured in terms of two values, the first is the systolic pressure or the pressure when the heart beats and the second reading, the diastolic when the heart relaxes between beats. The readings are over the other, with the value of systolic over diastolic and expressed in mm / Hg, or millimeters of mercury. The normal blood pressure is less than 120mm/Hg systolic and less than 80 mm / Hg and diastolic als'120 is about 80 ".

High blood pressure occurs when the arteries, a greater than normal resistance to blood flow. Some factors contributing to high blood pressure is arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, hypertrophy and thickening of the walls of the arteries, as well as excessive contraction of small arteries or arterioles. Very high blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Some other causes of high blood pressure are kidney dysfunction, tumor of the adrenal gland, the birth or a congenital defect in the aorta. These conditions are called secondary hypertension.

While low blood pressure or hypotension is also a deviation from the normal pressure, it is that high blood pressure is dangerous. In fact, high blood pressure is called the "silent killer" because it causes serious damage to health, without any noticeable symptoms.

The biggest dangers faced by people with high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attack. When the heart to pump harder in order to set the blood into the arteries and arterioles, enormous stress is applied to the heart. When the heart is forced, under stress for long periods of time run the risk of cardiac enlargement and cardiac arrest. High blood pressure can also have negative effects kidney works. If the blood pressure still high, the blood vessels in the kidney are thicker and narrower, thus decreasing blood and impaired renal function.

It is estimated that about sixty million Americans, including nearly fifty percent of Americans aged sixty-five, suffer from high blood pressure. Since high blood pressure, reveals very few symptoms, nearly forty percent of these people are not aware that they Hypertension. In relation to the sex of those affected, more middle-aged men have high blood pressure compared to women, but with increasing age, the number of women suffering from high blood pressure is significantly higher than those of men. Among the ethnic groups, African-Americans and Hispanics have a greater likelihood of developing hypertension than people in other races. Clinical studies have shown that people with low education and income have a clear tendency to high blood pressure than the affluent strata of society. This can be directly linked to the fact that high blood pressure is often synonymous with poor nutrition, high-fat diet, lack of exercise and an unhealthy lifestyle in general.

Michael Russell

Your independent guide to blood pressure

coronary heart disease in australia

coronary heart disease in australia
First I must define corrective Research: Remedy research is that research that says carrot juice (or a vitamin or supplement, etc.) is good for gout, hemorrhoids, heart, eyes, brain, etc. . and that carrot juice (or a vitamin or supplement, etc.) is not good for gout, hemorrhoids, heart, eyes, brain, etc.

Let us take vitamin E. My neighbor, who suffers from heart disease is 800 mg vitamin E daily. She says it makes her heart tissues supple and really beautiful. Now 800 mg is well above the recommended dosage. She is not.

I use to high doses of vitamin E, but I can not now. Why? Remedy Research, said: "Stop doing!"

Here is a report from the Government point to vitamin E: A 1994 review of the 5133 Finnish men and women aged 30-69 years also suggested that an increased intake of vitamin E was associated with reduced mortality (death) from heart disease. http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamine.asp

More than 5 thousand Finns. Wow!

Here is another report on vitamin E: At the last meeting of the American Heart Association (2004) researchers presented data showed that a high level of vitamin E can lead to death. A statistical analysis using data from studies involving 136,000 indicated that subjects receiving high doses of vitamin E has a 5% increase in the death. The cause of death in these studies was not reported.

Perhaps they are running from one train.

There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

Let me tell you a secret: Statistical research can be useful.

Let those described above. Do you have a zillion people rich in vitamin E and other zillion do not. Come back in five years and see how many are still alive. Draw a conclusion.

What should the final be?

The correct conclusion: we have the deaths of those who are rich in vitamin E with those who have none. We have a zillion people, there is a high probability that our results are correct and that there is a difference in mortality. No conclusions can be drawn, why more people died, a lot of vitamin E. No. Causes of death were.

This provision is not statisticians speak. I did not use it because you do not know what the hell was the conclusion.

Well, how should the above statistical data are used?

Firstly, the reasons for the death to be determined.

If there is an increase in deaths related to heart (or any other disease), it should be further investigated.

What were the exact causes of cardiovascular deaths? Can they in any combination with vitamin E?

If they can, then what exactly is the ownership and mechanism by which vitamin E can kill you?

If you do not have the answers to the above questions, then forget the statistics.

Start over!

Their only conclusion must be: The specific statistical test does not correlate with the science known.

This also applies to the Finnish trial, but also to a lesser extent, because the Finnish trial was specifically in relation to cardiovascular deaths. But this study also to examine the science. You have to know the mechanism by which vitamin E causes heart problems or prevented.

We are billions of American dollars on prescription and nonprescription medicines and health supplements. Some studies have indicated that certain drugs are useless or harmful. Some studies show that nonprescription health supplements are useful. Others show that they are useless or harmful. Some studies show that certain nonprescription supplements are superior to certain drugs.

Things are so confusing that many of the Council of the quacks or scientists. Unfortunately, most doctors know little about natural supplements that are not in their formula.

Each year, a lot of people swarm into Mexico for the magical treatments. Mrs. King was one of those that led to the closure of a number of clinics of the Mexican government.

The Americans are interested in natural remedies. It is part of our culture. It's a science to determine what works, what by what mechanism. Using statistics for the wrong purposes only confused the rear of everyone.

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com, a retired VP of R & D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, Women's Clothing (business, science, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth success books and kits. He also sells Topflight Flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."

More info: http://www.tjbooks.com

Business Website: http://www.aaaflagpoles.com

coronary heart disease in india

coronary heart disease in india
If flax oil vs. fish oil for heart health protection, the research shows that fish oil wins over flax oil. This is especially important if you want to protect those you care about heart disease.

So, what is the research on flax oil vs. fish oil?

In a recent study of 14 controlled clinical studies, the researchers at Emory University found that fish oil omega-3-studies showed a significant reduction in deaths from cardiovascular disease and mortality in total - for any reason.

These fish oil studies were based on the diet of fish and fish oil supplements as a source of omega-3 fish oil.

On the other hand, studies on the basis of flax oil and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3-oils derived from plants that do not have the DHA and EPA factors in cold water fatty fish, which are considered less reliable and do not have the same health benefits.

The plant based ALA studies used flax oil supplements and ALA enriched diets, including walnut, soybean and linseed oil.

The lead researcher at Emory University, CR Harper and TA Jacobson reviewed the omega-3-study trials by allowing them into categories. There were plant-based omega-3-only trials with ALA (mainly flax oil) and studies on dietary intake of omega-3 fish oil with DHA (docsahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

Of the 14 studies, eight were for flax oil and other sources of ALA, and six were based on fish oil. The fish oil research, a very large study involving more than 10,000 participants in the American Journal of Cardiology. [VOL. 96, December 2005, pp. 1521/29]

Dr. Harper and Dr. Jacobson concluded that the data on ALA and flax oil was very limited and showed no significant heart health. Whereas fish oil with DHA and EPA showed a significant reduction in cardiovascular disease death, sudden death and total mortality.

Some studies indicate that omega-3 fish oil with DHA and EPA fatty acids reduces risk of heart attack, where the blood vessel wall cells, which reduce the risk of thrombosis and blood clots and reduce inflammation.

Other research, published in Circulation, the official journal of the American Heart Association, a thorough overview of how omega-3-fatty acids from fish improves heart health, and why fish oil works so well for the cardiovascular system in numerous ways.

This study shows that fish oils help by lowering cholesterol, preventing irregular heart beat, reduce blood clots, reducing blood pressure, lower triglycerides, LDL and HDL-balancing, relaxing vascular and prevents the formation of new plaque, inflammation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and much more. [VOL. 106:2747]

On the basis of these successful studies, the American Heart Association recommends that any increase in the consumption of DHA and EPA-rich fish and fish oil supplements to a daily dose of at least 1 gram for an optimal health, people with cardiovascular disease could consider more.

When it comes, flax oil vs. fish oil for heart health, the fish wins, fins down!

Michael Byrd has over 18 years of training and experience in the areas of physical therapy, health, fitness and nutrition. His pursuit of wellness has taken him to the many health benefits of fish oil and other natural Whole Foods, which helps you to be younger, feel better and stay healthy. Michael is also you a free CD when you click on his website at http://www.omega-3.us.

coronary heart disease hypertension

coronary heart disease hypertension
current cases of many different types of heart disease are much higher than in the past, partly due to increased awareness and better testing techniques in diagnosing heart problems. However, today's lifestyle also plays a key role in the higher number of the signs of heart problems with a lack of adequate diet, little or no exercise and smoking. People who are at risk of developing heart disease can make changes to prevent it from getting worse.

Of the many types of heart disease is a heart attack is about one third of all 36 persons, about 7.5 million people in the United States alone. That is about 2.75 percent of the population who suffer a heart attack each year. While many of them survive, thanks to the quick reaction and modern medicine, knowledge of the risks and the changes to reduce these risks can save many lives.

High blood pressure is often considered one of the types of heart disease, but it is actually the most common cause of many problems with the heart. High blood pressure causes heart to work harder, and it imposes a burden on all parts of the heart muscle. The cause can not be directly related to the heart and kidney problems and other internal disorders can cause blood pressure to have a normal level.

Heart damage because of the blood.

The heart relies on a consistent flow of oxygen-rich blood and smokers often can not deliver to the oxygen in the blood. Blood takes oxygen into the lungs and if they are equipped with smoke and toxins from the blood to the heart may be oxygen deficient, so that one of the types of heart disease, known as ischemic heart disease. This happens when not enough blood and oxygen reaches the heart, so that parts of it to slowly die.

One of the most common types of heart rhythm disorders problems, possessing one of 18 people in the United States. This is diagnosed when a person's heart does not beat at regular intervals. While many people with this kind of heart problem with some complications, it must be prescribed by a doctor for any changes. Heart murmurs are other types of heart disease, the sounds in the heart that are not considered normal. It can be a variety of causes, including problems with heart valves, but many are not fatal.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with diseases of the heart, like Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid, Vitamin C, vitamin E and Policosanol.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than unsaturated fat makes. It also solves a big drop in triglycerides. Salmon oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA.

Vitamin C has been shown that the development of cholesterol deposits in the arteries. Within a few hours after receiving the vitamin-C patients showed a significant decrease in cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin E supplies oxygen to the heart and other muscles in the body. Accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Policosanol is a natural supplement from sugar cane. Policosanol promotes healthy platelet function and to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the human body.

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coronary heart disease guidelines

coronary heart disease guidelines
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), also known as coronary artery disease (CAD) and atherosclerotic heart disease and atherosclerosis, a disease that the walls of blood vessels. This disease is one of the most easily preventable diseases of modern civilization in the 40 to 70 years. It is characterized by the thickening and hardening of the Arties. This loss of elasticity and narrowing of the Arties can lead to high blood pressure and if left untreated, increases the chance of a stroke and a heart attack.

Cardiovascular disease typically begins in early youth, but is rarely diagnosed until late in life usually after a stroke or heart attack. Early diagnosis and treatment may be the development of coronary heart disease and prevent a medical emergency.

Causes of cardiovascular disease include obesity, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and lack of physical activity, menopause in women advance age (65 or older), and some types of infections of the artery walls. Men are more prone to this disease than women.

The symptoms leading to cardiovascular diseases are not always easy to read, if you show the symptoms, seek medical advice as soon as possible. Some of the symptoms are chest pain, shortness of breath, cyanosis (blue color under the fingernails and around the lips)

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Prevention is always better than treatment, you should try the regular check-ups and follow your doctor's advice. Knowing that you are at risk for a heart problem may not save you with a situation of crisis and possibly death.

Some of the things you can do to prevent cardiovascular disease include decrease your cholesterol, you get your ideal body weight, a healthy diet and exercise. Health is our most precious possession, which are often bought, can not even lost.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with cardiovascular disease such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid, Oat Bran, Sytrinol, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Policosanol and Antioxidants.

Vitamin C has show to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers high blood pressure.

Vitamin E improves circulation and promotes normal blood clotting. Vitamin E is also known for the red blood cells to live longer and keep them from premature degradation.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than unsaturated fat makes. It also solves a big drop in triglycerides.

Sytrinol are known to be helpful maintain a healthy level of cholesterol in the body by reducing triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.

Oat bran muffins lowering cholesterol levels in healthy college students by almost 10 percent.

Pantothenic Acid is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic acid is crucial for the metabolism and the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Niacin is the closest thing to a perfect treatment corrects that most causes of cardiovascular disease. Niacin blocks the release of fatty acids from fat cells. Niacin plays a crucial role in energy production, gene expression and hormone synthesis. You can not live without them.

Niacin also tend to shift the LDL particle to larger particle distribution and improve HDL functioning.

Policosanol is a natural supplement from sugar cane. Policosanol promotes healthy platelet function and to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the human body.

Natural antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, grapes, spinach, and Spirulina a blue-green algae.

Patients with risk for atherosclerosis disease are increasingly being treated prophylactically with low dose aspirin.

Lifestyle changes can also be the risk that medical emergencies do to atherosclerosis. Quit smoking, eat healthy foods, weight loss and regular physical activity preserved. This treatment is often problematic for many to achieve and continue in the long run.

If you are at risk of congestive heart disease then a good healthcare professional before starting any kind of treatment at home.

Always consult your physician before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not considered medical advice.

coronary heart disease facts

coronary heart disease facts
heart disease is a general term for a number of different diseases that affect the heart in some way. Heart disease is, in fact, as the leading cause of death today in the United States. Heart disease actually has serious threat to many people. Therefore, it is important to understand the methods for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention methods

There is reason to hope, because according to industry experts, cardiac prevention is promising. Although some risk factors such as gender, genetics, and the age of a person who is not in our control, you can still see a change in lifestyle and diet, so that the likelihood of heart disease are significantly reduced.

There are other methods by which cardiovascular prevention can be achieved. After what the American Heart Association suggests, it is also the control of obesity in children and also a certain attempt to proper nutrition, sufficient food. One of the better food supplements you can try for cardiovascular prevention puree that mangosteen is rich in antioxidants, which help in removing free radicals, which is the reason for damage to cells and this in turn leads to heart disease.

Good cardiovascular prevention may also mean the control of blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol, which at a low level. The best way to achieve these objectives is through changes in diet and also by the drugs, if so recommended by the doctor. Sure, with low blood sugar is known as cardiovascular disease prevention.

Another alternative is the practice because it is a known fact that regular physical activity may increase the risk of heart disease. Experts have a tendency to recommend as much as possible, exercise at least an hour per day. For many people, this seems like an endless task, but the truth is that amount of movement can be achieved in other ways than in the gym. Basically change some habits, such as walk to work, people can have healthier. Walking is perhaps the easiest, cheapest and healthiest kind of exercise for most people and therefore should be used.

The best prevention of heart may not be a solitary course of things, but you may decide to have many strategies in a single, to be more efficient. You can choose, such as changes in diet, in conjunction with obesity and also reduce the blood sugar level maintenance, as well as dietary supplements, by the health experts suggested.

Treatment options for heart disease

If you have heart disease then you must make some types of heart disease to treat in order to solve your problem. There are several heart disease treatment options that are available today. The first treatment is prevention of course, as before.

However, if your heart disease is serious, than most likely you also have techniques to more severe treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These include medical treatment, which usually begin immediately, even before an accurate diagnosis of heart problem.

This medical treatment, the oxygen from a tube in the nose, oxygen through a mask, nitroglycerin under the tongue, pain medication, and aspirin. There are also blood clot-dissolving drugs, often, and the earlier these drugs are, the higher the chances of opening the blocked artery and the defense of the heart muscle from further injury.

Cellular therapies, for example, is as a potential treatment for heart disease. This is due to cellular products were revealed to have great potential for the treatment of injured and diseased tissues in the body. They come from many different sources, such as stem cells from bone marrow, peripheral blood, and myoblasts from skeletal muscle cells. The research has shown that this cellular therapy offers surprisingly positive results, and with additional research and development in the future can be known only as a cure for heart disease.

Surgery may be those who experience heart disease at any age, although other methods are preferable. Surgery is necessary for those who do not respond to their medication or their condition deteriorated radically. In some situations, surgery is the only method to change the problem and the patient a probability of good health. In rare cases, repeat surgery is necessary then to rid the body of excess fluids in the chest.

Cardiac surgery may be wearing and the healing period may be slow, it is not surprising to find that a large number of people who suffer from heart disease, which needs surgery are interested in less invasive surgery. Less invasive surgery for heart disease, the smaller cuts, less pain, and a much faster healing time. Not only that this type of surgery, the shorter hospital stays, it can also reduce the risk of complications for the patient during and after surgery.

There are many resources that are available if you want more information on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The most important thing of all is a healthy way of life, a healthy and nutritious diet and plenty of exercise. By creating a healthy lifestyle, you will not only protect themselves against heart disease, but also against all diseases and health in general.

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